Hi Fi and speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hey all,

Hope someone can help with some recommendations for me…

I will give you the specs of my layout first… I am building a new house and planned to wire 2 “Ceiling speakers” for my en-suite and probably 2 “Ceiling speakers” into my bedroom also…

Then I am looking for a small, neat HI-FI system (I think!!) that will provide and allow for the following:

Play CDs

Play Radio: FM/AM ok, DAB/Internet would be brilliant….

Have a built in amplifier…

Connect my En-Suite 2 ceiling speakers to it for listening to the various sources..

Allow me to hook up a Sonos ZP90 (this is the non-amplified one) to be played thru any connected room’s speakers.

Speakers don’t necessarily have to be included with the product, as I have said above, I will build 2 in ceiling speakers into my en-suite and 2, maybe 4 into my bedroom, that I would hope to hook up to it for all sound outputs…. Optionally I could forget about installing the bedroom speakers if it comes with speakers and just have the Bathroom speakers hooked up to it..

Would this make the bathroom a separate source on it though? and what if any implications does that have?

Thanks for any suggestions ?
If you are using multiple speakers per amp channel then you will need to impedance match carefully, but any amplifier would do really if you don't mind the same music from all speakers.

Ceiling speakers great in your bathroom but I reccomend in-wall speakers for the bedroom. Monitor Audio do a range of in-wall speakers, they have them listed on their website www.monitoraudio.co.uk .

As for amplifiers, that depends on your budget, but if you are driving multiple speakers from one amplifier then I don't reccomend a mini sysetm like the one you posted. You're better off with a meaty power amp linked up with a pre and your source. I'm guessing size is of great concern to you though.

It's a bit of a tangent from your original system, but I think you should consider getting an all-in-one home theatre PC unit and a chunky integrated amp (a nad c340 or an audiolab 8000S should do the trick). It'll set you back more than just a mini system - but you can throw an LCD on the front and have all kinds of tv features and such in your bedroom.
oh and running a separate room from a separate source would require a different amplification path = more amplifiers. For example, you'd need two of the mini systems you posted to achieve this. With the system I suggested, you could simply add a second integrated amplifier and configure the HTPC to use 4 channel sound and direct the rears to your bathroom, fronts to your bedroom. There is likely to do a good degree of mucking around in windows to get that all working nicely though.

To be honest, being as this is an en-suite bathroom to your bedroom, I question the worth of having the ability to have song A lpaying in the bedrrom and, say, the TV in the bathroom. The sounds will interfere with each other, you'll be forever being moaned at by the wife for not shutting the bathroom door tight enough=)
You're probably better reposting this in the WiFi section, as we are mainly 2 channel nerds in this forum who debate about the tiniest little things like sorbothane feet, speaker cables, mains zappers and the like.
Hi Mr Poletski

Thanks for the help and suggestions....Not sure I want to go down the route of putting a PC in there...her indoors might raise an eybrow or two...I dont need different sources playing in different rooms at the same time though if that helps...??

Just wany a system (that may or may not have speakers) that will alllow me do as I posted.... Is this possible do you think?

If it already had speakers for the bedroom aspect, then I would only have to hack (as she calls it) the en suite walls..!!
have a friend (who I am visiting tommorow) ... we call him inspector gadget ... he has demolished an old victorian home and built an new ultra modern home in it's place ....

in every room, there are speakers built into the ceilings ... all controlled by 1 central pc ... will have a close look and chat with him tommorow and get back to you... he is a computer geek and very knowlegeable

he even has speakers in the garden by the BBQ that look like natural rocks and that are waterproof ... clap your hands and the curtains open and close etc ... all 'state of the art'
Hi Dim_Span,

how did you get on, any ideas for me??

I`d probably use a pre-amp and three power amps, you could even look at active speakers as they might simplify cabling a bit.


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