
Fandango Andy

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Hi there, looking for advice what streamer should I go for.
Naim Atom or Lyndgorf 1120, both the same price

Thats a lot of money to spend on a streamer, does the rest of your system live up to it? If yes, go to a store and try them out, see which one you prefer. even better see if you can borrow one to test at home.
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Jan 26, 2021
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I've had my 1120 for over 2 years now and it is truly an excellent product without Room Perfect. Room Perfect does a very good job at removing unwanted resonances in an untreated room. If you can't audition it back to back with the Naim then take a punt on the Lyngdorf. If you are buying speakers as well, bear in mind that the 1120 puts out 120W into 4Ohms nominal. Good hunting!


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Room Perfect does a very good job at removing unwanted resonances in an untreated room.
'Room Perfect' (or any other clever digital trickery) might well reduce or eliminate the frequencies that cause / exacerbate room resonances.
But that means the sound you hear is necessarily being compromised - more than it would be if you really did remove the room's resonances with actual room treatment.

(I liken the compromise to going for 'forgiving' speakers to make poor recordings listenable.
Those poor recordings (sort of) improve, but the best ones will be, necessarily, compromised).


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The products you mention are streamer /dac/amps, I'd spend the 2k or thereabouts on separate units, wiim pro plus for streaming /dac duties for the mean time and get a proper amplifier that......just does that job, digital technology is moving so fast, don't put all your eggs in one basket.


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Jan 26, 2021
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'Room Perfect' (or any other clever digital trickery) might well reduce or eliminate the frequencies that cause / exacerbate room resonances.
But that means the sound you hear is necessarily being compromised - more than it would be if you really did remove the room's resonances with actual room treatment.

(I liken the compromise to going for 'forgiving' speakers to make poor recordings listenable.
Those poor recordings (sort of) improve, but the best ones will be, necessarily, compromised).
Surely, in an untreated room, the sound is also compromised and to be frank, physical room treatments often provide little WAF. I've also been down the separates road many times and in the end a single box which does everything is the right solution for me. Horses for courses I guess...


Well-known member
Surely, in an untreated room, the sound is also compromised
Sure can be.
In my untreated room the sound was beyond compromise - it was completely ruined by reverberation - making a mockery of any equipment 'upgrade'.

Physical treatment of two walls and a ceiling (cork / polystyrene tiles) was enough to kill the reverb - bringing an improvement that no electronic manipulation of the source sound could ever give.

WAF? probably not (definitely not for the real dictator types) - but fortunately I've never had to please anybody else.


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Jul 22, 2023
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Sure can be.
In my untreated room the sound was beyond compromise - it was completely ruined by reverberation - making a mockery of any equipment 'upgrade'.

Physical treatment of two walls and a ceiling (cork / polystyrene tiles) was enough to kill the reverb - bringing an improvement that no electronic manipulation of the source sound could ever give.

WAF? probably not (definitely not for the real dictator types) - but fortunately I've never had to please anybody else.
I'm in the polar opposite position with the bedroom come listening room.
I choose it mainly because it's out of the way so I can be as loud as I want but its full of soft furnishings.

My partner adds to the problem with soft furnishings like so called teddy bear bedding which she guards and teddys of all kinds mostly that lilo stitch character, some of them 4ft high.
It's carpeted with two rugs and a corner couch which she loves a good "throw over" sheet on.
Her extensive clothes collection has outgrown the wardrobe so they are all over aswell.

I have an sa30 with direc in there but I'm not a fan and always liked the natural sound from source.
Having heard the hifi in the living room it makes me aware how much more it can offer in the right room.
Almost a night and day difference.
Unfortunately I'm torn between two lovers.

I've tried moving her stuff only to find it back out the next day and like most men I only think I'm in control so have given up with trying to compromise.
I did one take the teddy bares hostage and jettison them into the tiny loft but she even found them in there thus my punishment was finding another 4ft stitch on the bed staring at me the following week.

Now with Xmas just passing there's handbags turning up in there aswell.
It's also strange listening to music with a gang of 4ft stitch characters sitting next to you.
It's like they are mocking me whilst taking dominance of the room.
I just know one day there will be small one spinning round on the record player one day.
I'd show you my situation via photo but I'm embarrassed 🤣

It's just like watching her walking around the place listening to music on her phone loudspeaker when she has access to 2 hifis.
She just doesn't care about sound quality.
I'm smiling whilst writing this but it does frustrate me really.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2023
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Sure can be.
In my untreated room the sound was beyond compromise - it was completely ruined by reverberation - making a mockery of any equipment 'upgrade'.

Physical treatment of two walls and a ceiling (cork / polystyrene tiles) was enough to kill the reverb - bringing an improvement that no electronic manipulation of the source sound could ever give.

WAF? probably not (definitely not for the real dictator types) - but fortunately I've never had to please anybody else.
Whom performed the treatment… also looking into room acoustic modifications…


Well-known member
Whom performed the treatment… also looking into room acoustic modifications…
Nobody special - with nothing special.
Just me, with what was readily available at the time.
The thickest wall tiles I could find and raised-pattern ceiling tiles.
Made more of a difference than you might imagine from looking at the photo below.
You can now buy some purpose made panels which are likely to be very effective (at a price).


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2023
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Nobody special - with nothing special.
Just me, with what was readily available at the time.
The thickest wall tiles I could find and raised-pattern ceiling tiles.
Made more of a difference than you might imagine from looking at the photo below.
You can now buy some purpose made panels which are likely to be very effective (at a price).
View attachment 5855
Looks spot on to me.
I can imagine it makes a big difference.....
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