Help with cable.


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Hi guys.

Im looking for a cable with smooth highs and balanced sound. My setup is the marantz pm6005 and q acoustics concept 20. I bought the audioquest flx slip 14/4 cable, but i think the highs are a bit too bright. I want an open but warmer sound.

Mmmmmm, you have to be careful - ask yourself is your system capable of differenciating between cables, is it revealing enough. During my time here there are two camps those who hear differences on the kit they have and those who don't - suggesting the latter group prefer or have systems that are not too dynamic.

Not familiar with your kit so I would ask, can you hear differences between freebie interconnects and the cable you currently use in your system. I f the answer is yes, then again I'd recommend a pair of QED performance 2's - if the answer is no, then fiddle with the tone controls.

turn the top end down completely then slowly increase it till you get close to what you want..... 🙂
I always get these guys to make up my cables....

I had a Klotz AC110/Neutrik Profi interconnect made for about £65 and a cheaper Van Damme/Rean interconnect for about £25, I think. There's more treble with the Klotz.

They also did me 2 x 4m runs of speaker cables terminated with bananas for £35.

Sounds great to my ears.... 🙂


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