Help me WHF, I Need Yor Help!


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, would it be possible for a member of the What HIFI team to contact Pioneer UK? I'm starting to loose my rag with my new LX54 Blu-Ray player. As it stands right now, I have 5 of my 43 disk collection that will play without fault. Some disc refuse to load at all and the rest have lip-sync issues. This can vary throughout the film, starting with a couple of hundred milliseconds, up to 3 to 4 seconds and then back again. I've checked all these discs in my Sony BDP-S570 and theres no problem.

Any help or news of a fix might stop my throwing it through my livingroom window.[8o|]

Presumably you have, or had the player connected to the internet & installed the latest firmware update released on 03/01/11 if not the link to it is here version 1.11

If you have done that already, have you spoken to Pioneer? If you get no joy return it to where you purchased it & tell them its not fit for purpose. There are threads on here relating to consumer rights acts & your rights.

Hope that helps..
I have got the update. I know it's probably only a matter of time, but it's the not knowing when that's maddening. I've got the Sony to fall back on but that's got an HDMI fault where it drops the signal for a second or two every now and again and I was hoping to send it back. But with the Pioneer having the problems it's got, I'm having to wait.

By the way I've just noticed your name and wondered if you'd seen the new McLaren? It looks great with the new L shaped radiator ducts. Hope it'll give Jenson the chance to shine this year.
Ring Pioneer. I found them to be very helpful.

I've got the LX54 as well and the only problem I had was what I would describe as occasional judder. Didn't have this on the LX52. I did the software upgrade and rang Pioneer. Transpired that the company who installed the player had set the output settings at 1080p and thus the player was trying to upscale further. Changed it to Auto and the problem has gone.

FYI I think there is another software upgrade due soon.

I think Pioneer have rushed this model out a bit early before it was tested properly to compete with Panasonic!
Ring Pioneer. I found them to be very helpful.

I've got the LX54 as well and the only problem I had was what I would describe as occasional judder. Didn't have this on the LX52. I did the software upgrade and rang Pioneer. Transpired that the company who installed the player had set the output settings at 1080p and thus the player was trying to upscale further. Changed it to Auto and the problem has gone.

FYI I think there is another software upgrade due soon.

I think Pioneer have rushed this model out a bit early before it was tested properly to compete with Panasonic!

I have contacted Pioneer and was told new up date was imminent, but that was weeks ago. The picture and sound on this player are far better than my Sony S570 and that's why it so frustrating. Pioneer should have really held their houses as it's obvious that this player wasn't ready for public sale. When they sort it out it will be awsome.

It's been so maddening though as I've bought several films lately only for there to be huge lip sync errors right from the off. Now I refuse to watch anything until it's fixed. I get endless ear ache from my wife who's not a great HC fan. She puts films on for the kids and then starts moaning at me. I've completely up dated my entire HC setup in the last three month and it really taking the shine off the lot.
Jase Brown:By the way I've just noticed your name and wondered if you'd seen the new McLaren? It looks great with the new L shaped radiator ducts. Hope it'll give Jenson the chance to shine this year.

Yes ive seen it, it does look good & also have you noticed the re-designed intake behind the drivers head? they are using KERS again this year be intersting to see if they have improved it.
The instability of Pioneer players over multiple firmware fixes has IMO become a serious bar to buying them at all - a real pain given that, as you say, the picture and sound are so good otherwise.

Even worse, the form of the errors seems to vary not just between generations of players, but between individual models of a given generation - I've seen far more complaints about the LX54 than the LX52 this time out, for example - suggesting that Pioneer's firmware development process is fragmented, in which case the situation isn't likely to improve any time soon.

It's become quite common in reviews (in WHF as well as elsewhere) to see phrases like "hopefully a firmware update will fix this issue". Given Pioneer's record over the last couple of years, such caveats are fast becoming more hope than experience.

BTW, a Subject line that describes the problem/mentions the kit is likely to attract more help 😉
Jase Brown:By the way I've just noticed your name and wondered if you'd seen the new McLaren? It looks great with the new L shaped radiator ducts. Hope it'll give Jenson the chance to shine this year.

Yes ive seen it, it does look good & also have you noticed the re-designed intake behind the drivers head? they are using KERS again this year be intersting to see if they have improved it.

Yes I noticed the second set of air intakes in the photos from Autosport. I think KERS is restricted to the same rules as the previous incarnation. I was surprised to see the mechanics rolling the car out without the engine cover! Hopefully the McLaren will be up to the challenge this year. Be interesting to see if the Renault catches fire with that funny exhust system running under the inside of the air intakes.

From other comment back on the subject of Pioneer blu-ray players, it doesn't look good long term. They said in my conversation with them that the issue was mainly down to Java coding and it incompatibility with this player. Not good. It would be great if the WHF team could do a little digging and come up with some solid info.


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