Help me connect appliances to TV please


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

Can you tell me how to connect the following in the best way please.

I'm connecting a TV (2 HDMI & 2 Scarts) to a HDD Recorder ( 1 HDMI & 2 Scarts) to Sky + (Not HD) (2 Scarts) to a Home Cinema System (1 scart).

The TV has built in freeview as does the HDD Recorder.

The TV, HDD and Cinema system also have stereo jack sockets

All are Sony except Sky +

Many thanks.

Johnny D
HDD recorder to TV via HDMI

SKY to HDD rec and TV by Scart

TV to Cinema by jack plugs/scart for sound only (HDD recorder for DVD playback upscaled)
Thanks rewerb,

I'll give it whirl,

Just back off a "jolly" hence the late reply

Much appreciated.

Johnny D


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