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New member
Aug 10, 2019

setting up new system

i am currently setting up a lg ps50 3000/ panasonic bt200 blu ray system/ x box 360/ and sky hd.......i have been advised to take the optical dig cable from tv straight to blu ray,but this conflicts your advice to take it to the sky box..which is correct? and how best to link the x box? any help would be appreciated..
Hi Gazza

This is how I would do it

TV has two HDMI on rear and one on side i think

Panasonic system has two optical inputs

I am assuming that you will not want to take the TV sound through the system speakers as you will be watching sky for the terrestrial channels. (i dont use the tuner on my TV)

Run cables a sfollows

1. HDMI from BT200 output to tv input (rear) / for picture as sound will come direct from BT200 speakers.

2. HDMI from sky HD to TV input (rear) / for picture and 'stereo' sound from tv speakers.

3 Optical digital cable from Sky HD output to one of the digital inputs on BT200 to allow surround sound from sky

4 HDMI from Xbox to HDMI socketon side of TV for picture and stereo sound from tv

5 A second optical cable from the 360 to the panasonic second optical input for surround sound

(Remember, you will need to power up the BT200 and select an aux input for surround sound from the Xbox or Sky box)

Hope this helps
thanks for that dave.what will i miss out on by doing it the way i was advised-re-optical from tv to panasonic?
this just provides a method of taking the tv sound and putting it thru the amplifier, not necessary if you will use sky most of the time. If you plan to use the TV tuner a lot, run a stereo analogue cable from the tv to the BT200 analogue in jacks.


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