Help about ATCs please. Musicraft or Frank Harvey? Anyone?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
As youll be aware from my other posts I have SCM40s. Unfortunately my toddler has unscrewed the silver caps from the base plinths at the front. I have found two of them but need another 2. Can these be purchased as it looks odd 2 being missing?

Any help appreciated!
Check the little one's nappy over the next few days never know

I'm sure a couple can be had from ATC without much problem. In the meantime, you could take the two from the back and put them at the front so they don't look so odd.
There is only 2 on each speaker . Its the silver caps on the front plinth.

Sorry, I was thinking there were 2 front and back. Were they secured well enough if a toddler removed them? Best thing to do is to screw the threaded spike through so it shows above the plinth, screw on the silver cap all the way, then use that to screw the spike back into the plinth. You can usually tighten it up quite hard that way.

Like I said, they shouldn't be a problem to get hold of.
Yeah thats how I attatched them. Hes 3 and is getting stronger all the time. Hes took one off before so i tightened them as much as I could.

Ive just emailed ATC about them and have asked advice on covering up a couple of scratches on the cabinets too. I hope they have good customer service. Never dealt with them direct before!
If you get replacements put some nail varnish on the threads before you tighten them up.
Bobby - if you get in touch I have a price for you for replacements. They can post them out (there's a postal strike on Friday) but we have a number of backorders being fulfilled end of this week/beginning of next week, so they may be able to send them along with those, so at least they won't be sitting around a sorting office for a week or so in the backlog.
Thats great. Thanks David. How much are they? Im watching the pennies a bit so may wait till the end of the month!

As youll be aware from my other posts I have SCM40s. Unfortunately my toddler has unscrewed the silver caps from the base plinths at the front. I have found two of them but need another 2. Can these be purchased as it looks odd 2 being missing?

Any help appreciated!

Hi bobbyg81

See how you go first with obtaining the replacement caps from David. If there is a delay than you are more than welcome to have the spare set that i have available immediately at no cost.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
MUSICRAFT:....If there is a delay than you are more than welcome to have the spare set that i have available immediately at no cost....
That's a very fair price!
Hi Rick.

Thanks mate. Id love to take you up on your offer. Free ,as PJ said, is a great price. How should I go about arranging delivery? Call you at the store? Im in Scotland and would pay for delivery.

Hi Rick.

Thanks mate. Id love to take you up on your offer. Free ,as PJ said, is a great price. How should I go about arranging delivery? Call you at the store? Im in Scotland and would pay for delivery.

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your post.

Yes, that's right at no cost at all and as a forum member on this ocassion i'll absorb the delivery charge. Fair enough?

Please call me on my mobile first though. The details are in my bio.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Rick,

You are a true gent.Many thanks! Ill give your mobile a call to give you my details, When is a good time for you?

Hi Rick,

You are a true gent.Many thanks! Ill give your mobile a call to give you my details, When is a good time for you?

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your reply.

Your welcome. I think the best thing to do is to text me your number and i'll call you when i am free.

Thanks fo your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Hi Rick,

You are a true gent.Many thanks! Ill give your mobile a call to give you my details, When is a good time for you?

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your reply.

Your welcome. I think the best thing to do is to text me your number and i'll call you when i am free.

Thanks fo your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your text and for your call yesterday. It was great to have a chat with another forum member.

Btw, the caps were sent yesterday so hopefully you should have received them today.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi Rick.

The caps have arrived!! Thanks again. I didnt expect to get them so quick.

Yeah it was nice to chat with another forum member,You explained alot about amplifiers to me that I didnt have much of a clue about. Sorry I didnt have time to chat longer.

Since being laid of work I seem to have even less time! I dont know how you manage with the hours you work.

Again many thanks.

Hi Rick.

The caps have arrived!! Thanks again. I didnt expect to get them so quick.

Yeah it was nice to chat with another forum member,You explained alot about amplifiers to me that I didnt have much of a clue about. Sorry I didnt have time to chat longer.

Since being laid of work I seem to have even less time! I dont know how you manage with the hours you work.

Again many thanks.

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your post.

I am glad hear that you received the caps without delay.

Yes, it was also good to have the opportunity to discuss amplifiers (particularly since you have SCM40's) and their relationship with speakers because frankly there are unfortunately some misguided views due to a lack of understanding. Anyway i am glad that you are now more informed regarding some of the basic aspects. I'll drop you a line when i've got a moment to spare and i'll go into some of the more technical aspects.

Some of my customers/forum members have asked me to post more often (which i would be glad to do so) but as it is all on me i have not got the luxury of being tied to the keyboard all day. I mentioned to Graham_Thomas fairly recently that this is nearly 110 hours a week for me because it all revolves around existing/new customers.

Btw, i truly hope that you will manage to find a new job soon.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
MUSICRAFT:Yes, it was also good to have the opportunity to discuss amplifiers (particularly since you have SCM40's) and their relationship with speakers because frankly there are unfortunately some misguided views due to a lack of understanding. I agree.
Don't understand what you're agreeing for David?

If you read back on the original thread there was indeed some ill thought out advice that is being referred to.

Hi Rick.

The caps have arrived!! Thanks again. I didnt expect to get them so quick.

Yeah it was nice to chat with another forum member,You explained alot about amplifiers to me that I didnt have much of a clue about. Sorry I didnt have time to chat longer.

Since being laid of work I seem to have even less time! I dont know how you manage with the hours you work.

Again many thanks.

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your post.

I am glad hear that you received the caps without delay.

Yes, it was also good to have the opportunity to discuss amplifiers (particularly since you have SCM40's) and their relationship with speakers because frankly there are unfortunately some misguided views due to a lack of understanding. Anyway i am glad that you are now more informed regarding some of the basic aspects. I'll drop you a line when i've got a moment to spare and i'll go into some of the more technical aspects.

Some of my customers/forum members have asked me to post more often (which i would be glad to do so) but as it is all on me i have not got the luxury of being tied to the keyboard all day. I mentioned to Graham_Thomas fairly recently that this is nearly 110 hours a week for me because it all revolves around existing/new customers.

Btw, i truly hope that you will manage to find a new job soon.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Cheers Rick.

I look forward to hearing from you. I would like to speak to you about my ATCs plinth again aswell! I appreciate youre busy so just whenever you get a spare 10 minutes!

Hi Rick.

The caps have arrived!! Thanks again. I didnt expect to get them so quick.

Yeah it was nice to chat with another forum member,You explained alot about amplifiers to me that I didnt have much of a clue about. Sorry I didnt have time to chat longer.

Since being laid of work I seem to have even less time! I dont know how you manage with the hours you work.

Again many thanks.

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your post.

I am glad hear that you received the caps without delay.

Yes, it was also good to have the opportunity to discuss amplifiers (particularly since you have SCM40's) and their relationship with speakers because frankly there are unfortunately some misguided views due to a lack of understanding. Anyway i am glad that you are now more informed regarding some of the basic aspects. I'll drop you a line when i've got a moment to spare and i'll go into some of the more technical aspects.

Some of my customers/forum members have asked me to post more often (which i would be glad to do so) but as it is all on me i have not got the luxury of being tied to the keyboard all day. I mentioned to Graham_Thomas fairly recently that this is nearly 110 hours a week for me because it all revolves around existing/new customers.

Btw, i truly hope that you will manage to find a new job soon.

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Cheers Rick.

I look forward to hearing from you. I would like to speak to you about my ATCs plinth again aswell! I appreciate youre busy so just whenever you get a spare 10 minutes!

Hi bobbyg81

Thanks for your post.

Your welcome.

I'll drop you line later on today than. Fair enough?

Thanks for your support.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
crimsondonkey: Don't understand what you're agreeing for David?I do.

If you read back on the original thread there was indeed some ill thought out advice that is being referred to.Hardly ill thought out - I stand by what I said and still recommend a listen to the Pioneer as well as the Yamaha. But this seems to be coming a regular occurrance with an extremey small amount of Musicraft customers. Have your fun and move on, I'd like to spend my ime helping people who appreciate it.


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