Romulus said:
I am interested in both makes in regard to amplifiers (integrated or Pre/Power) and both makes seem to attract positive reviews. Has any one heard both Hegel and Primare, if so what was your opinion of their sound quality? What I am specifically interested is what is the difference between their sounds? A lot of Hegel reviews seem to share a common denominator of mentioning the soundstage and silky voice potrayal. While a few reviews on Primare specifically mention the good rythms and rich texture. Unfortunately I cannot pop into Exeter and try both amps..! (as they are not sold there or any where near..). Both Primare and Hegel attract praise as to their bass portrayal and the clear portrayal of music (whatever that means..?).
Haven't been to Exeter for quite a while, does it still have a WiFi shop?
I had a Primare combo and have heard a Hegel and, quite frankly I don't think you would find much at fault with either. The Primare was no slouch at producing a large soundstage, but this could be dependent on which speakers you use rather than the amp. What I haven't heard is a Primare integrated, though I doubt there would be much change to the 'house sound'.
The Hegels appear more modern with their inbuilt DAC (if you like that sort of thing) whereas the Primare integrated can take a digital board which is normally extra.
To be truthful the differences, to my hearing, are miniscule. I'd certainly try to audition at least one if you are paying this sort of money then it all comes down to connectivity and aesthetics, and budget of course.
This you would have to take into account as the i32 plus media board comes in at around £3300 which is dearer than the Hegel 160 but cheaper than their 300.
To me 'clear portrayal of music' means they are essentially neutral and you hear what's on the recording nothing added or taken away.