Headphone reviews


New member
Dec 7, 2011
http://www.headjam.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1023 I've updated my list of video and text headphone reviews at this link. Just added Shure 940 today.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
quadpatch said:
Nice stuff there Dale! I think I want those Shure SRH-1840's now - your fault :p

I had a go at doing a review for my Denons and posted yesterday.


Blogger is not the easiest at formatting text and pictures but it'll do, I still can't be bothered to do a website.

Very nice review. The format is great and the images work well. The photos and your descriptive text should be the envy of Denon marketing - I doubt their own blurbs have that good of a "want it" quality. It's really that good. I was surprised to read about your experience with the DacPort - glad I didn't spring for one of those. As to the Shure 1840, I would not recommend a direct compare to the Denon, since I've done something similar and I had to have a few drinks to get over my disappointment. Listened to on its own with no distractions (and the longer the listening session the better it gets), it's just great, even in the lows. But I'd make a bet here and now that if you listened with the Denon for a while then switched to the 1840, you'd say "Uh-oh - what did I do?" I'll leave that for you to ponder a bit. Actually it surprises me how much variation I have in the signature of my different headphones, and yet I can enjoy listening with them in spite of the sometimes major differences. So I find myself double-checking my impressions even when I think I have a clear picture of how something sounds.

BTW, I appreciate that list of tracks - I have tunes by a couple of those artists and I intend to explore a few more.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Hey Thanks for the glowing words Dale! that really made me smile :). I appreciate what you say about the Shure sound as well! I just received the AKG today, they are great but oh wow are they different to the Denons!! I know it will take me a little while of listening to get properly used to that different sonic signature. I shouldn't compare the AKG and Denon side-by-side, as hard as that is. They are just very different and so far I don't regret getting the AKG. Interestingly the DACport seemed really good with the AKG, first time I have appreciated it as a unit. Maybe it's made for high impedance open models. It's strange I thought it might be the other way around: I thought maybe Denon + DACport / AKG + Yulong would kind of equal out the differences in strengths but it just doesn't seem to work that way at all.


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Somehow I can't get over the idea the DacPort wouldn't work right. There must be a fix, to get a better impedance match or something. It's a good idea to track it down with the manufacturer, since it may prevent other problems in the future.

I finally checked out some of the tracks you listed, especially Butch Clancy. If I had any doubts about the 1840's bass the tracks on Youtube settled that. Awesome bass! I might have mentioned this already, but for some interesting sonics and great overall music, I got the soundtrack to Le Voyage Dans La Lune by Air, and I think I've played the whole thing at least 30 times. If there was ever a good reason to get a good headphone, that album answers the question.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I did hear about a modification that you could have done to the DACport which made it better for low impedance headphones, called a 1ohm mod or something. The thing is I don't have enough faith that this will totally fix the sonic style of the amp. I would have to send it to the US and pay an extra $100, would probably get stung for customs on it again so I am giving up. I am going to get the Fiio E17 to replace it eventually and I will see how that goes.

Hehe, glad you enjoyed the Butch Clancy bass with the Shure, that sound is pretty epic right? Thanks for the soundtrack suggestion! I am a bit of a soundtrack collector but tried to keep too many from getting in to that list (to keep it varied). Also interesting as I recently saw the film Hugo.


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