Headphone Amplifier/DAC - help needed please


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I trying to find a headphone amplifier/USB Dac for use with my laptop as this is what I listen to music on predominantely. I have just bought a pair of Grado SR60i headphones and want to get the best out of them whilst using my laptop. I have been looking at getting the iBasso D2 but it only got 4 stars in the review. Are there any better alternatives for around £150 - £200.

Cheers - Matt
One thing I forgot to mention is that I want it to be a portable device so I can use it as an amp for my ipod.
If you want it to be portable and use it with your iPod, then you'll not be able to use the DAC, as the iPod only does authenticated digital out on one device. this is the Wadia iTransport i170 which is about 350 pounds.

There are quite a few portable headphone DACs, but many of them are US or Chinese in origin.

The iBasso D10 gets good reviews elsewhere, but unless you mail order it from them is outside your budget.

http://www.hifiheadphones.co.uk/headphone-amplifiers-ct-57.html stock a good variety

and this long thread on head fi covers most models available now


I'm getting an iBasso D10 in a few weeks when they become available again.
The iBasso D2 is exactly what you want: connected through usb to your laptop (and that is where you will get the best sound) or connected analog to the ipod (using the ipod's dac of course, the D2 then being a simple but very good little amp but am not sure if your Grado does really require an amp on top of ipod's headphone socket).

The D2 works on rechargeable battery, so is completely portable. Recharges when connected to usb....

As a dac/amp for your laptop, this gets you the ability to benefit from great quality, assuming you use lossless or high bit rate files. It is limited to CD input (16 bit / 1411 kbps), so will not do full justice to the 24 bit files you might have. Not sure if this is a D2 limitation or a usb limitation.

Ah, the reviews: not sure about the "star" system here: seems that it is managed in a way where anything below 5 stars should be regarded as "not great", and those 5 stars are flung around all over the place.

I can assure you the D2 is a great little device. Just go for it!


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