Headphone advice for summer


New member
Mar 23, 2011

I own a pair of Audio Tehcnica ATH AD700 headphones which have a great sound and are very comfortable, but being over ear in the summer become very hot after a period of time.

Could anyone profer some advice on some phones that are of similar quality that are comfortable but do not get so hot in the summer, any make or open or closed back are ok, budget is up to £100, less if possible.

would on ear phones do the trick?

I have a pair of Senns px 100s that I am using at moment but are not very comfortable after a while.

Thanks in antisipation....
Hello Sospri,

We have recently had good comments about the Grado SR-60i open back design. They have a really nice 'retro' look, are extremely comfortable, sound excellent and usually sell for £100. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Kind Regards,

Thanks for that suggestion Andrew, they will be going onto my list.

Just checked my finances and I could perhaps go up to £160-170......
Thanls Andrew, just checked the reviews on the Grados and ordered a pair.............
Good choice
My experience of Grado in the summer is that they made my ears very hot and sweaty. I would try some of the on ear cans by senheiser, akg or audio technicia I had some senheisers and they were less warm on the ears, sound wouldnt be as good as the grados for the same money though!
Sound leakage is the only Con when using grados, but they have nice attack for rock music. Nice choice! let us know if you like their sound signature.
The Grados arrived this morning and given that they are new and not burned in, I am very pleased indeed.

After adjusting the headband they are very comfortable and not at all hot ( the problem with the Audio Tecnicas ).

I am at the moment playing a CD by Sol Gabetta the cellist which is a piece I know very well and the Grado's are performing very well and I couldnt be more pleased, So thanks for all the advice guys
Glad you like them 😀 They are a good set of 'phones. A good suggestion for hot days; they are the coolest (temperature wise) I have owned.

I have my thumping great big Audeze LCD-2s but with their big pads they can begin to feel very unconfortable in the heat 🙁
Yes, I know what you mean.

My Audio Tecnikas are the same, good sound but it was like wearing a sofa on your head and so hot on warm days.............


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