HDMI drop out is back and worse then before!


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have been having issues with the picture and sound dropping out. It is not isolated to blu-ray and has happened on some dvd's. It is so annoying its making me want to get rid of everything. It seems to have started since the last firmware upgrade on the panasonic bd-35 but im not sure what to do as it could be the TV or the reciever.

I had turned off the viera link as suggested by Andrew and it seemed to have sorted the issue until last night when I decided to watch Cliffhanger but the picture and sound kept cutting out every 10 minutes or so which makes it impossible to enjoy watching anything.

All my kit is still under warranty but im not sure which of the 3 is causing the issue. Has anyone else experienced this?


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Sep 9, 2008
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Please excuse me for stating the obvious, but if you borrow another BD player and test the same disc then this will establish if it's the player or indeed some other component in the chain.

Trying to find out what it's not will narrow your search down to the real culprit . . . .


thanks for your reply Tonya,

I will try to burrow someones player tomorrow and hopefully this will answer weather the player is at fault but if its not it may be a struggle borrowing a reciever. I hope it is the player as it would be the easiest of the 3 to send off for repairs.


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Sep 25, 2008
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"... as it could be the TV or the reciever"

Can you run the blu-ray hdmi direct into the TV this would help eliminate the receiver?
Can you try different hdmi sockets on the TV?
Can you try a different hdmi cables?


Well-known member
Agree with all of the above. Might also be worth using an air cleaning spray (the ones you can get at a camera shop) to blow clean the hdmi sockets on the TV, BD and amp.

As for different HDMI cables - get a £5 ThatCables hdmi to test - I've found mine 100% reliable and for that price for a 5-star rated cable, it's a tiny price to pay for helping to sort things out...


thanks for the reply scene,

I am already using the hdmi cables for thatcable.com and they have been perfect up until now so i doubt its the cables. I will try to plug the player in directly to the tv and my mates going to bring around his s360 sony blu-ray so hopefully I should be able to narrow it down by tomorrow. I may try the air duster but seeing as the cables have never been removed from the sockets I doubt there will be much or any dust in there.


One other thing I forgot to mention is that sometimes when the picture cuts out it keeps going back to the freeview on the tv, not sure if this helps to identify the fault.

Tried a different blu-ray player last night, watched cliffhanger without a problem but when I tried watching district 9 there was a scene where the pic and sound vanished for a second then came back. I really don't know what to do now. Will try plugging the blu-ray player directly to the tv and see what happens.


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Sep 25, 2008
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If the picture from the hdmi reverts to the internal freeview tuner then that happens when no signal is being received from the amp on my setup.

On my setup if I select DVD on my amp with no signal being input on the DVD hdmi in on the amp the TV will show the internal freeview picture.

So still nothing definative to test as it just means that no signal is getting to your TV but you know that anyway.


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