Is an upgrade to a more expensive hdmi cable really worthwhile? My set-up at home is a Sony KDL 40 W2000, Sky hd and a QED
Performance hdmi cable to 1.3 standard (8 Bit colour). I have read that QED have superior cables that supposedly give a better
picture quality . The cables in question are Signature 16 Bit Colour and Reference 12 Bit Colour . Would these cables be compatible,
and if so would there be any noticeable difference to the naked eye? Thanks.
Performance hdmi cable to 1.3 standard (8 Bit colour). I have read that QED have superior cables that supposedly give a better
picture quality . The cables in question are Signature 16 Bit Colour and Reference 12 Bit Colour . Would these cables be compatible,
and if so would there be any noticeable difference to the naked eye? Thanks.