HDMI Arc Conundrum


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2021
Hi All,

I have a 2017 model Sony 75Z9D television. It has 4 HDMI ports where ports 2 and 3 are the only ones that support 4k@60hz. The other 2 ports are 4k 30hz. HDMI port 3 is the HDMI ARC port.

I want to change my set up from bulky speakers and receiver to a more living room friendly Sonos set up (5.1) with the Sonos ARC as the sound bar.

The problem is that the Sonos ARC would take up 1 of the 4k@60hz ports. (I use Apple TV 4k, PS4 (soon to be PS5), and 2 other 4k sources). I don't want to revert to using the digital optical output as the method to deliver sound to the Sonos system due to the many benefits of using HDMI ARC for control etc. So the obvious solution would be:

1) To get an HDMI switcher for HDMI port 2 that would handle both the Apple TV 4K and the PS4/5 and program my universal remote to help with the infrared switching. The biggest drawback of this approach is that I would need to manually change the picture settings from Cinema mode to Game mode back and forth every time I change inputs on the switcher (not sure that is easy to automate on a universal remote given the way the Sony OS works).

However, I am wondering whether there is another possible solution......

So for HDMI port 3 (ARC)....if there was a device that fed an HDMI cable into HDMI 3 port on the tv and also sent an HDMI port to the SONOS arc while still having a vacant port for say the Apple TV. Something that acts as both a splitter and a switcher. The device would effectively split the audio away from the video signal towards the Sonos and send the video signal from the vacant port to HDMI port 3.

(By the way, I much prefer using Apple TV rather than the TV's internal apps which I find much less snappy).

Not sure if anyone can help with this, but any feedback or help would be very much appreciated.
wont the Ps5 have all the apps the apple tv has including apple tv itself

I don't really see the problem with sticking the PS5 in one of the other ports or vis versa for the apple tv.

For the PS5 are you a pro gamer? Do you have spider man reflexes are you just playing F1 or FIFA or are you actually playing battlefield 5/6 with a KD of 5 require a 120hz refresh? if not does it matter?
Actually guys I think I managed to find a potential solution.

This product, although pricy (US$199) solves my issue with the added bonus of providing Dolby Atmos feed into the Sonos arc
Don't really see it solving a problem as you don't really have one as I said the PS5 has all the apps the apple tv does including apple tv

In other words, dump one of the boxes, apple tv, put it away somewhere.

I get you may want atoms but i wouldn't pay $200 for it. Especially when the Sonos arc relies heavily on your room to produce the effects ie your room has to be the ideal shape and size for it to work right.

But if you think the box is solving a problem go for it. I think i keep the money in my pocket