This is actually a couple of queries really, but I thought as i'm asking a question I may as well go the while hog and ask a couple!
I recently treated myself to the new Onkyo TX-SR876 which I absolutely love - I also own a PS3 which I currently use as my
Blu-Ray player - I have been looking to buy the highly recommended Panasonic BD35 as I can bitstream all the new audio formats with it (something the PS3 is currently not capable of doing) and push it to the Onkyo for processing. It's an exciting prospect, but I have hit a hurdle in my master plan.
The Onkyo manual says and I quote,
Supported Audio Formats
• 2-channel linear PCM (32–192 kHz, 16/20/24 bit)
• Multichannel linear PCM (7.1 ch, 32–192 kHz, 16/20/24 bit)
• Bitstream (DSD, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD High Resolution, DTS-HD Master Audio)
Your DVD player must be able to output these formats from its HDMI OUT.
The Panasonic website however shows the rear of the player with both digital audio (coax and optical) labelled as pcm/bitstream, but no mention of bitstream via HDMI.
My first question is - Is the new Panasonic capable of outputting bitstream audio via HDMI, or does it have to be output via the digi audio outs?
And my second question is, If an amplifier (other than the Onkyo obviously) accepted bitstream in via optical/coax digital out, would there be a noticeable difference in quality between that and HDMI, and if so which would be better.
I'm currently using mainly QED cables (component & HDMI depending on source)
I will say this; I curently have a QED qunex component video/optical audio configuration from my Apple TV and I can't honestly say that I notice any difference when I use HDMI, but perhaps a better quality source like the Panasonic would surprise me.
Any help would be appreciated, particularly from someone who has used or owned the BD35 if at all possible!
Thanks in advance
This is actually a couple of queries really, but I thought as i'm asking a question I may as well go the while hog and ask a couple!
I recently treated myself to the new Onkyo TX-SR876 which I absolutely love - I also own a PS3 which I currently use as my
Blu-Ray player - I have been looking to buy the highly recommended Panasonic BD35 as I can bitstream all the new audio formats with it (something the PS3 is currently not capable of doing) and push it to the Onkyo for processing. It's an exciting prospect, but I have hit a hurdle in my master plan.
The Onkyo manual says and I quote,
Supported Audio Formats
• 2-channel linear PCM (32–192 kHz, 16/20/24 bit)
• Multichannel linear PCM (7.1 ch, 32–192 kHz, 16/20/24 bit)
• Bitstream (DSD, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD High Resolution, DTS-HD Master Audio)
Your DVD player must be able to output these formats from its HDMI OUT.
The Panasonic website however shows the rear of the player with both digital audio (coax and optical) labelled as pcm/bitstream, but no mention of bitstream via HDMI.
My first question is - Is the new Panasonic capable of outputting bitstream audio via HDMI, or does it have to be output via the digi audio outs?
And my second question is, If an amplifier (other than the Onkyo obviously) accepted bitstream in via optical/coax digital out, would there be a noticeable difference in quality between that and HDMI, and if so which would be better.
I'm currently using mainly QED cables (component & HDMI depending on source)
I will say this; I curently have a QED qunex component video/optical audio configuration from my Apple TV and I can't honestly say that I notice any difference when I use HDMI, but perhaps a better quality source like the Panasonic would surprise me.
Any help would be appreciated, particularly from someone who has used or owned the BD35 if at all possible!
Thanks in advance