I've got a PS3 and I'm going to upgrade my tv to possibly a TH37PX80B, I've read that this tv can accept a 1080p/24 signal and downscale.
Is this right..!? Or should I just set the PS3 to 720p..!? What's the difference, the TV downscaling or the PS3 - what should I do when I get it.!?
Or have I made this all up. I need some help, my knowledge is limited (at the moment).
I've got a PS3 and I'm going to upgrade my tv to possibly a TH37PX80B, I've read that this tv can accept a 1080p/24 signal and downscale.
Is this right..!? Or should I just set the PS3 to 720p..!? What's the difference, the TV downscaling or the PS3 - what should I do when I get it.!?
Or have I made this all up. I need some help, my knowledge is limited (at the moment).