hd camcorders


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i have a full hd camcorder and store the info on my ps3 the problem i have is i want to sell my ps3 and buy a standalone blu ray player as i have my xbox360 for gaming. Where can i store my hd footage my laptop can not accept avchd files.
I assume you mean your laptop can store them, but not play them? Or do you mean there's not enough space on your laptop to store them?

If it's the former, then something like AVCHD Converter will transform them into something your laptop should be able to play.

If it's storage, then an offboard hard drive is the answer.
As a Sky HD user, you may not be interested in the Freesat-toting Panasonic Blu-ray recorders, but they could be a great (if pricey) solution to both your BD and HD camcorder issues - their HD-video storage/handling is an overlooked aspect....
thanks for all your help my graphics card in my laptop is not good enough and im skint so no upgrade on the laptop.as ive blown nearly 2.5k on my kit in the last 12months and still to to upgrade my mains,speaker cable and power leads. I do like the panasonic bd recorders and im sure by xmas there will be an offer. So can i put my panasonic hd20 camcorder straight into the bd player and store avchd files and them record them to blu ray discs, i had the thought it only took hd photos and not video.
i guess i can store them but what i can do i have no blu ray drive, dont have bluetooth to stream across using one of those parrot things.


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