Hard realisation.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I sold my Marantz PM66KI quite recently to a local enthusiast who came to collect. He has a Naim CD5, I forget the amp, and his speakers, but I remember him saying the speakers set him back close to £3k (may have been MA, but I can't tell you which model) and the amp was about £2k. While he was here I spoke to him about my hifi, including the mods to the Cyrus 2, and my EB2 loudspeakers, which were a talking point because they're quite rare. I gave him a listen to the system using some tracks from Apple Music and also some lossless CD rips, both streamed from the Mac Mini using my HRT II+. He couldn't believe the speakers were less than £1k and said the sound quality from my system wasn't massively different or inferior to his own.

I was (and I continue to be) thrilled by his kind words, even if he was to an extent 'just being nice', because if his £7k system wouldn't see my little set-up and use it as an a$$-wipe then there's something wrong. Still it got me thinking; my hifi has probably reached a performance-level where I cannot now afford to better what I've got. From the perspective of my own 'upgrade rule-of-thumb', which states you generally need to double the price of something to truly move to the next level, I think I've reached the end.

As happy as I am with my system as it stands, that's a bit of a solemn thought.
MajorFubar said:
I sold my Marantz PM66KI quite recently to a local enthusiast who came to collect. He has a Naim CD5, I forget the amp, and his speakers, but I remember him saying the speakers set him back close to £3k (may have been MA, but I can't tell you which model) and the amp was about £2k. While he was here I spoke to him about my hifi, including the mods to the Cyrus 2, and my EB2 loudspeakers, which were a talking point because they're quite rare. I gave him a listen to the system using some tracks from Apple Music and also some lossless CD rips, both streamed from the Mac Mini using my HRT II+. He couldn't believe the speakers were less than £1k and said the sound quality from my system wasn't massively different or inferior to his own.

I was (and I continue to be) thrilled by his kind words, even if he was to an extent 'just being nice', because if his £7k system wouldn't see my little set-up and use it as a$$-wipe then there's something wrong. Still it got me thinking; I've probably reached a stage where I cannot now afford to better what I've got. From the perspective of my own 'upgrade rule-of-thumb', which states you generally need to double the price of something to truly move to the next level of performance, I think I've reached the end.

As happy as I am with my system as it stands, that's a bit of a solemn thought.

Be content. It's very nice being content once in a while. 🙂

And to be truthful I don't think my system will be moving at all for quite a while.
Maybe to properly level the playing field in all directions I should at some point scope the possibility of upgrading the DAC to something externally-powered at around £800; maybe a Chord 2Qute when it's no longer the new kid on the block and there are offers on. But that said, we all know with digital audio the least improvement to be had proportionally, compared to changing the speakers and amp, is the DAC. So even that could easily be a bad way of throwing £800 at it in terms of VFM.
Hurrah . It's nice to read that someone is actually content with what they have mf.I myself am content and in the same boat.at a level that I don't really think I could afford to spend twice as much again to gain any real improvement.the law of diminishing returns and all that.I'm not sure I'd want to spend that kind of money anyway and I'm sure a divorce would be on the horizon if I carried on.Also there is a case that when you start getting to that level of electronics and speakers,maybe it just gets a bit to analytical and the enjoyment of music gets a bit lost in the search for perfection.I've read a few posts,where some guy's have systems at 10-15k and went back to something very basic in comparison because they lost the enjoyment of listening to music on there expensive hi-fi.so I'm hoping I'm only going to change something if it gets broken,although a flatcap xs would be a nice we treat for the future (not a upgrade,an improvement)lol.
MajorFubar said:
Maybe to properly level the playing field in all directions I should at some point scope the possibility of upgrading the DAC to something externally-powered at around £800; maybe a Chord 2Qute when it's no longer the new kid on the block and there are offers on. But that said, we all know with digital audio the least improvement to be had proportionally, compared to changing the speakers and amp, is the DAC. So even that could easily be a bad way of throwing £800 at it in terms of VFM.

Given that you only use USB (HRT II+ is only USB I think) then why not hunt down a good Chordette Gem? (24/96 USB and Bluetooth with aptX.)

A couple here brand new for £480.

Just as pretty and a fraction of the price.

Chordette Peach here for £366 (Buy It Now) and that has optical and co-ax too.
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.
chebby said:
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.

Oh dear, careful what you read chebby. 🙂

Blue. Gold is to blingy, unless you have a Dartzeel amplifier. 🙂
More than happy with my current set-up, can't see me changing anything for many years to come, or until something breaks. However, when finances permit, I wouldn't mind checking-out the PMC twotwo series of actives.
chebby said:
MajorFubar said:
Maybe to properly level the playing field in all directions I should at some point scope the possibility of upgrading the DAC to something externally-powered at around £800; maybe a Chord 2Qute when it's no longer the new kid on the block and there are offers on. But that said, we all know with digital audio the least improvement to be had proportionally, compared to changing the speakers and amp, is the DAC. So even that could easily be a bad way of throwing £800 at it in terms of VFM.

Given that you only use USB (HRT II+ is only USB I think) then why not hunt down a good Chordette Gem?  (24/96 USB and Bluetooth with aptX.)

A couple here brand new for £480.

Just as pretty and a fraction of the price.

Chordette Peach here for £366 (Buy It Now) and that has optical and co-ax too.

Very tempting when my finances have recovered, problem being that I doubt I'd want to change anything in my system now without auditioning it and having the option to return it. I have bought blind before, or should that be 'deaf', usually when I feel I'm making such a qualitative leap I can't really lose, but now I've reached the point where I will need convincing.
DougK said:
More than happy with my current set-up, can't see me changing anything for many years to come, or until something breaks. However, when finances permit, I wouldn't mind checking-out the PMC twotwo series of actives.

Best not DougK, you really should avoid that at all costs.
Having just upgraded my TT, I'm trying hard to be content, but having heard the improvement it made, it might take a while.

Though I did manage it for about 15 years, not too long ago, until the kids grew up.

Repeat after me......
chebby said:
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.

I have one at the back of a drawer if you are interested *wink* .... and btw their interiors are lit up ... a nice orange valve like hue.
davedotco said:
DougK said:
More than happy with my current set-up, can't see me changing anything for many years to come, or until something breaks. However, when finances permit, I wouldn't mind checking-out the PMC twotwo series of actives.

Best not DougK, you really should avoid that at all costs.

Okay, you've hooked me, Dave. Why should I avoid? I'm guessing that they will probably sound so good I will have to purchase them on the spot. Am I on the right track?
chebby said:
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.

Im still enjoying my little Gem after 4 yrs
I'm happy and content for sure, 3 years now for my current set-up apart from the Aune X1 * and Philiips headphones that I've bought this year 2nd hand.

* For £50 the Aune X1 DAC/Headphone amp is a real star, easily the equal of more expensive DACS from the likes of Beresford and Arcam that I have previously owned. Listening to my headphones through the Aune is stunning.

DougK said:
davedotco said:
DougK said:
More than happy with my current set-up, can't see me changing anything for many years to come, or until something breaks. However, when finances permit, I wouldn't mind checking-out the PMC twotwo series of actives.

Best not DougK, you really should avoid that at all costs.

Okay, you've hooked me, Dave. Why should I avoid? I'm guessing that they will probably sound so good I will have to purchase them on the spot. Am I on the right track?

A lot will depend on your reaction to speakers of this type, a lot of hi-fi enthusists do not react positively at all. Even allowing for the fact that you already have PMCs, this will be an eye opener.

Hard to describe, but the whole warm, smooth relaxed sound of modern hi-fi will be gone, replaced by something altogether more explicit. Dynamics, presence and shear hear through clarity will replace any thoughts of the hi-fi virtues that dominate 'normal' systems.

Concepts like warmth or brightness just cease to exist, the music is just there, presented without any hi-fi affectations and some find this somewhat stark. It can take some getting used to, but if it works for you it is hard to go back to all the hi-fi 'clutter' that surrounds the music as presented by even quite decent hi-fi.

These speakers, and others in their class (the Unity Audio Rock Monitor is a favourite of mine) start around the £3k price point and are a whole different type of beast to the more inexpensive type of 'pro' monitor often discussed on here.
tino said:
chebby said:
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.

I have one at the back of a drawer if you are interested *wink* .... and btw their interiors are lit up ... a nice orange valve like hue.

Nice idea - thanks - but I have a perfectly good DAC (2 x optical, 1 x coax, 2 x USB + Bluetooth) built in to my Quad Vena and I would just be buying a totally superfluous item for it's looks and milled-from-solid box and magnifying porthole and illuminated innards and ...

chebby said:
tino said:
chebby said:
I wish I hadn't looked at this thread. I still find the small Chordettes irresistible. (Especially in gold or red or blue.) I wish their interiors were lit up with a little LED bulb so the porthole glowed.

I have one at the back of a drawer if you are interested *wink* .... and btw their interiors are lit up ... a nice orange valve like hue.

Nice idea - thanks - but I have a perfectly good DAC (2 x optical, 1 x coax, 2 x USB + Bluetooth) built in to my Quad Vena and I would just be buying a totally superfluous item for it's looks and milled-from-solid box and magnifying porthole and illuminated innards and ...


That's it sold then is it? 🙂
davedotco said:
DougK said:
davedotco said:
DougK said:
More than happy with my current set-up, can't see me changing anything for many years to come, or until something breaks. However, when finances permit, I wouldn't mind checking-out the PMC twotwo series of actives.

Best not DougK, you really should avoid that at all costs.

Okay, you've hooked me, Dave. Why should I avoid? I'm guessing that they will probably sound so good I will have to purchase them on the spot. Am I on the right track?

A lot will depend on your reaction to speakers of this type, a lot of hi-fi enthusists do not react positively at all. Even allowing for the fact that you already have PMCs, this will be an eye opener.

Hard to describe, but the whole warm, smooth relaxed sound of modern hi-fi will be gone, replaced by something altogether more explicit. Dynamics, presence and shear hear through clarity will replace any thoughts of the hi-fi virtues that dominate 'normal' systems.

Concepts like warmth or brightness just cease to exist, the music is just there, presented without any hi-fi affectations and some find this somewhat stark. It can take some getting used to, but if it works for you it is hard to go back to all the hi-fi 'clutter' that surrounds the music as presented by even quite decent hi-fi.

These speakers, and others in their class (the Unity Audio Rock Monitor is a favourite of mine) start around the £3k price point and are a whole different type of beast to the more inexpensive type of 'pro' monitor often discussed on here.

As always with your posts, Dave, many thanks for your time and your detailed reply, it is much appreciated sir. The twotwo's are giving me an itch I need to scratch at some stage in the future *smile*
If you are serious about this, I would start a dialogue with PMC directly.

Hi-fi dealers are not likely to be of much use, though one or two do appear to offer PMCs in active configurations and pro dealers are unlikely to have 'domestic' type listening facilities.

Depending who your dealer is, the ideal solution might be to try and persuade PMC to ship a dem pair of 22.5s to them for you to try. Might take a bit of 'chat' and you may need to put up a deposit for home trial but it is the only really worthwhile way of doing this.

You will need to think of partnering equipment too, something that can output a healthy 1volt + analogue, you are unlikely to find a hi-fi setup that can output AES/EBU digital. You will need solid 24 inch stands and it would be best if you familiarised yourself on the dsp setup, particularly the eq, it can be a bit daunting first up.
I've just recently revamped my whole setup so no planned changes for the foreseeable future unless circumstances change and I have to move countries.

There may eventually be an upgrade, but not for the foreseeable future.


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