
New member
May 27, 2009
Feel The Burn- While it is most important to burn-in cables upon purchase in order to dispel gasses trapped in the manufacturing process and abate the initial, high electrical charges often found in new cables, there is something to be gained from routine maintenance as well. If cables are left unused for a prolonged period of time they become stagnant. And even with everyday cable use, electrical equipment experiences current leakage, imparting a charge onto your cables. By having your cables treated with the Nordost’s Vidar on an annual or bi-annual basis, you are conditioning them and allowing the charges to neutralize once again.

Cure Static Charge- Anti-static treatment is a must. Used on both audio and AV gear, this spray helps to fight the deceptively dangerous, slow build-up of static charges. Static charge can do everything from flatten perspectives to inhibit the dynamics of a sound system. Simply spray a small amount of Eco 3X onto a cloth and wipe the area around speaker drivers. You will begin to reveal a more relaxed and natural soundstage. We especially recommend using Eco 3X in the winter months when static build up is more prevalent.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2008
I particularly like "..surface affects (sic) of static build up.." . As random a collection of words as you'll ever hear.


New member
May 27, 2009
£70 twice a year for a weeks burn in sounds good value and a squirt of £40 anti-static spray. Bargain for a relaxed and natural soundstage.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
When there's people who have openly defended these kind of charlatans - even on this very forum - and said they have every right to sell what ever product or service they like ficticious or otherwise, you can hardly blame the manufacturers for trying it on. It still incenses me, and will always do so, that as a self-confessed HiFi enthusiast I am automatically labelled in non-enthusiasts' eyes as belonging to the same crowd of buffoons who fall for this claptrap. The not-the-9-o'clock-news syndrome.


My opinion hasn't changed. As much as I despise what RA is doing, and can't believe he is allowed to keep repeating these hugely exaggerated claims without fear of prosecution, I still mainly blame the idiots who buy these overpriced pieces of turd.

I had a look on ebay the other day, and there are a lot of hardly used RA items for sale on there, with many of the sellers quoting from the RA site, repeating the very same falsehoods that led them to buy the item in the first place.

Can someone explain to me why RA has so far evaded prosecution by the police?
The thread is about Nordost. It's a US site so nothing can be done.

I reported RA to ASA for posting unsubstantiated claims on the product page of Sky HD box, but before they could react, the wordings were changed. Also the other product for CDs, it doesn't really claim anything. They're free to sell what they want, as long as they're not claiming performance they cannot prove.

keeper of the quays

I think static affects things..certainly does with vinyl..not sure about anti static spray? Mr sheen does anti static in his spray cleaners..wipe cables with damp cloth weekly? Listen to a cd..then wipe the top of cd..printed bit with damp kitchen towel! Dry it..then play it again..any difference?


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