Greetings! New joiner here


Active member
Feb 8, 2025
Hello folks!

I'm from India and have been following the hi-fi community for some time now. I've been in this hobby for almost 20 years and have been lucky to have owned a few budget and mid-fi gear from some of the most prestigious brands like Quad, Musical fidelity, Cambridge audio, Wharfedale and Apertura to name a few. Recently I've also had the chance to own some great amplifiers made in India.

I hope to share my experiences and gain useful knowledge here
Hello folks!

I'm from India and have been following the hi-fi community for some time now. I've been in this hobby for almost 20 years and have been lucky to have owned a few budget and mid-fi gear from some of the most prestigious brands like Quad, Musical fidelity, Cambridge audio, Wharfedale and Apertura to name a few. Recently I've also had the chance to own some great amplifiers made in India.

I hope to share my experiences and gain useful knowledge here
Alrighty. Greetings . I'd be interested to know what kind of stuff you guys make over there in India.
Alrighty. Greetings . I'd be interested to know what kind of stuff you guys make over there in India.
Hi, the only local brand I was aware of was Lyrita audio. They make some low powered class A tube amps and phono stages. I didn't try any amps from them as I don't own high sensitivity speakers and although they make some high sensitivity speakers, those are pretty large for my small apartment setup.
Recently while looking for some amps, I came across one more Indian brand called Anode acoustics. After talking to the owner, I decided to buy one of their tube preamps based on 12au7 and was quite impressed by the positive changes it brought to my system. I also took a chance on a flea powered (2.3 watt) amp recently and was honestly surprised by it's effortless drive with my 88db sensitive speakers. Someday I might try one of their solid state power amps / monoblocks and am now even thinking of trying a 300b tube amp from Lyrita audio.
There is one more company called Indiq audio which manufactures loudspeakers for HT and music but I've not yet tried one.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm using the tube preamp with a solid state amp that's also made in india called O&B audio.
Great, that sounds interesting, I had to Google "what's a flea powered preamp."
I didn't exactly get an answer but I assume it's just a very low powered and simple type of preamp made with a very minimal circuit?
Anyhow I know there's some very clever people in India and I'll bet there's some good stuff going on with hand built audio products as well as some not so good stuff. But it's a big, big place isn't it.
I would think as well that there's someone, somewhere there, making some decent speakers too.
Anyhow best of luck with your audio set up.
Great, that sounds interesting, I had to Google "what's a flea powered preamp."
I didn't exactly get an answer but I assume it's just a very low powered and simple type of preamp made with a very minimal circuit?
Anyhow I know there's some very clever people in India and I'll bet there's some good stuff going on with hand built audio products as well as some not so good stuff. But it's a big, big place isn't it.
I would think as well that there's someone, somewhere there, making some decent speakers too.
Anyhow best of luck with your audio set up.
Great, that sounds interesting, I had to Google "what's a flea powered preamp."
I didn't exactly get an answer but I assume it's just a very low powered and simple type of preamp made with a very minimal circuit?
Anyhow I know there's some very clever people in India and I'll bet there's some good stuff going on with hand built audio products as well as some not so good stuff. But it's a big, big place isn't it.
I would think as well that there's someone, somewhere there, making some decent speakers too.
Anyhow best of luck with your audio set up.
Hi, sorry for the confusion. I have a preamp and another integrated amp from Anode acoustics. I call the integrated 'flea powered' as it's just 2.3 watts like the Decware Zen Triode. These 2 amps are quite good for me at least for now.
You're correct, some stuff made here are not very good but luckily the ones I got my hands on are fine 🙂
I've had a chance to listen to some Indiq audio speakers and they are decent for the price but I find my Quad speakers almost equally good for much less money. These Quads have been with me for long and I like it but I'm thinking of getting another pair of bookshelf speakers. Currently a bit confused between Triangle Titus Ez, Monitor audio Silver 50 and Bronze 50. Any guidance from you will be highly appreciated 🙏


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