Grado sr60i - What do people think?


New member
Jul 27, 2008

I was going to buy a good pair of budget headphones. I was considering in getting the Grado sr60i. However after reading peoples oppinions I am a bit confused. Some say they are to forward and bright others say they are rich, with a neutral midband, smooth with clarity. I like a natural sounding headphones with warmth - with detail and clarity, but dont like in your face analytical forward sounding headphones.
What are the grado sr60i really like soundwise and are there alternate headphones just as good cheapar or similar price?


Yup, I've a pair of SR60is and they are fabulous sounding in some aspects. However, for me, they are too 'in ya face', exhibiting too much detail to make it a pleasurable listen. If you're looking at a little warmth + detail, then Sennheiser or Goldring are a better choice.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
They are far better sounding, and more comfortable, than my old Sennheiser HD595s. (Sold them.)

Through my old Rega EAR h/phone amp (and Beresford TC7520) they sounded excellent.

However, I cannot wear any headphones for more than about 30 minutes without getting irritated by them and worrying whether I am missing phone calls, or the front door, or family members calling me.

I have given my SR60is to my wife who uses them at weekends on the iMac for catching up with Dr Who episodes and The Archers and other stuff she has missed on iPlayer/ITV etc. during the week.

Of all of the headphones I have had in the past these are the only ones my wife has liked apart from the Sennheiser HD-414s I had throughout the 1980s.


New member
Jul 27, 2008
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. It sounds like the Grado can be a bit in yer face in the sound. When you read the various mag reviews they often rave about it. I wonder if there is a break in time for the Grado as well. It does sound like some people love it but for others its to in yer face. I have heard that the sennheiser can be a bit bassy and lack a little clarity.
Maybe I should check out the Goldring.




New member
Feb 21, 2009
I've always found the Grado SR60i to be very punchy, rich and dynamic but not necessarily "in your face" although they can sound a little brighter than some other contenders. Have you also considered the Audio Technica ATH ES55? Smaller/more compact but very impressive sonically. The ATH ES7 are also stunning if you can stretch your budget a bit (as a bonus both are portable and shield external noise well)


New member
Mar 11, 2008
I think the sr60i's are clear with a very pleasing midrange and enough bottom end

to feel what's happening. I have also owned the AT 55ES's, which sounded almost as good,

perhaps a bit leaner, but didn't sit on the head too well. The cups are quite small

compared to the comfort of the Grado's. Haven't tried the sr80i's but by all reports

are worth a listen.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

What is the top end like on the Grado sr60i - open, airy, sweet, harsh, detailed or rolled off, warm etc. What is the sounstageing like? and does it sound good with jazz and acoustic and the human voice (like listeneing to Eva Cassidy, Dianna Krawl etc)? Are the mids forward or balanced, bass does it go low is it moremid bassy.

Sorry for all these questions -I found out with the new health regulations here that you can't try them before you buy so I can't demoe them at all.

stephennic said:
Hi, What is the top end like on the Grado sr60i - open, airy, sweet, harsh, detailed or rolled off, warm etc. What is the sounstageing like? and does it sound good with jazz and acoustic and the human voice (like listeneing to Eva Cassidy, Dianna Krawl etc)? Are the mids forward or balanced, bass does it go low is it moremid bassy. Sorry for all these questions -I found out with the new health regulations here that you can't try them before you buy so I can't demoe them at all. Cheers Steve

As I've pointed earlier in the thread, to me, the SR60i are a little overpowering, especially the top-end. If they had a bit more warmth and/or gruntier bottom end that would solve the issue. They are great for 15-20 minute listening spells - any longer, imho, and they grate a little.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

Thanks for the feedback. Its just that there has been different oppinions on the Grado sr60i so its good to get a few peoples perspective as I have read various reviews that raved about them.


stephennic said:
Hi, Thanks for the feedback. Its just that there has been different oppinions on the Grado sr60i so its good to get a few peoples perspective as I have read various reviews that raved about them. Cheers Steve.

They receive good reviews because they are good. Very good in fact, but too revealing for my tastes - I prefer a headphone that's a little more languid.

BTW, if you go to Richer Sounds or other good dealers you can test them out for yourself and make a decision. Unlike any other hi-fi product, and due to a headphone's location, welded to your lugs, it is very, very subjective.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

The only problem is that I live in Australia. I telephoned a few hifi stores and they all said they dont have headphones on display due to the new health/hygiene regulations - therefore customers cannot try before they buy. Once you put them on your head and if you dont buy them they cant sell them to anyone else. The only shop that I found that does is JB hifi and they only have a sennheiser stand. This makes it quite hard to compare headphones - thanks for your input.


stephennic said:
Hi, The only problem is that I live in Australia. I telephoned a few hifi stores and they all said they dont have headphones on display due to the new health/hygiene regulations - therefore customers cannot try before they buy. Once you put them on your head and if you dont buy them they cant sell them to anyone else. The only shop that I found that does is JB hifi and they only have a sennheiser stand. This makes it quite hard to compare headphones - thanks for your input. Cheers Steve

Oookay, apologies. Didn't realise you lived in Oz.

After looking back at your original post you mentioned "warmth" along with natural and detail. The SR60s tick two from three boxes. Where they fail is on the "warmth", which is something I tried to convey earlier.

The SR60 are stunningly detailed and natural; the bass is taut and fast, but slightly lacks in overall substance IMHO. Based on what I've heard the SR80is maybe a better choice - not much difference in price either.

Hope this has helped.



New member
Jul 23, 2008
Hi there,

I demoed the SR60i's and found them to be very detailed with decent low end and excellent mids, however did feel that for extended periods of listening they may have been a liitle bit forward and bright at the top end. So I bought a pair of SR80i's which as Plastic Penguin intimated may be a better bet.

I find them to be a step up from the SR60i and definately not as forward when listening for longer periods so not as tiring.

I listen to a variety of music including Rock (which I think the SR80i's excel with) as well as accoustic and female vocals, especially artists like Eva Cassidy, Carly Simon, Adele etc etc and find the SR80i's to be excellent headphones for not a lot more money than the 60's.

Having said that I do listen to mainly Vinyl as opposed to CD with the Grado's. I am looking at a second pair of headphones for use with my Laptop (something like the AKG K271, which are definately a warmer sounding headphone)

Just my two pennies worth :)


New member
Dec 11, 2008
The Grado SR60I feel and look cheap but sound just amazing, breathtaking analytical detail.
Although I am a life fan of Sennheisers I feel that modern mid-price ones have somehow lost their way... Also beware of fake copies on the internet.
The more expensive Sennheisers would therefore probably suit your needs.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

Thanks for everyones feedback. I just noticed there are 4 sennheisers on special. They are HD465,415,215,112. Which would you recommend for sound quality.


Think it's important to keep it in perspective: The SR60s are fab headphones, but I've always maintained, especially for longer listening sessions, they aren't the 'Full Monty' for my tastes.

I've no idea on other phones, apart from the Sennheiser PX100, which I like. They don't tick all the sonic boxes, comparatively speaking, but they are more snoggable.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
stephennic said:
Hi, Thanks for everyones feedback. I just noticed there are 4 sennheisers on special. They are HD465,415,215,112. Which would you recommend for sound quality. Cheers Steve.

I bought a pair of HD465's 2-years ago and they were absolutely dreadful. I'd liken them to having cotton wool in your ears.


New member
Jul 27, 2008

I had a bit of a search for reviews and the one that seems most favorable is the HD415. Generally they noted that the sennhesier tend to be a bit to bassy, which at times take over the rest of the sound spectrum. I think I prefer my akg k-44 after readng the reviews.




Well-known member
Sep 17, 2005
So do health/hygiene regs mean that you can't buy/sell headphones second hand, on e-bay? If not, you could buy some SR80i's, run them for a hundred hours or so, then sell them on if they don't suit?

I could understand these regs with in-ear equipment, but not on/over ear stuff.

I believe that the new Grados have foam pads, which sit on the ears, and also restrict the sound a bit, but which can be swapped for foam rings, which fit around the ears, allowing for a cleaner sound. Also, the sound will be affected to some degree by your system? Must admit my current Alessandros (officially modded Grado SR80i's) and my old SR80's are clear, have a great midrange, and bass extends realistically low, but probably wouldn't suit a bass freak, wide soundstage and they're comfortable for up to a couple of hours plus.

Good luck in your search.


New member
Jun 20, 2008
GeoffreyW said:
So do health/hygiene regs mean that you can't buy/sell headphones second hand, on e-bay? If not, you could buy some SR80i's, run them for a hundred hours or so, then sell them on if they don't suit?

I could understand these regs with in-ear equipment, but not on/over ear stuff.

I believe that the new Grados have foam pads, which sit on the ears, and also restrict the sound a bit, but which can be swapped for foam rings, which fit around the ears, allowing for a cleaner sound. Also, the sound will be affected to some degree by your system? Must admit my current Alessandros (officially modded Grado SR80i's) and my old SR80's are clear, have a great midrange, and bass extends realistically low, but probably wouldn't suit a bass freak, wide soundstage and they're comfortable for up to a couple of hours plus.

Good luck in your search.

Don't often listen to my 80's much these days but been giving them a run out with Amy, Beyonce on DVD, and Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (who I'm listening to as I'm tapping this out on my phone).

I guess some people might describe them as "bright", but what detail and punch! And bear in mind that the "brightness" is more to do with the awful production values that we have to put up with rather than the revealing nature of the phones (although, of course, they reveal the bad as well as the good!)

When the recording is good these are seriously exciting phones IMO, has I'm experiencing right now. If you're an ebay man then maybe give them a go (oh, and I can wear them for hours, unlike my K's!)


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
I use HD600s and SR60s - the Grados to me are much more faithfull to the original music, the HD seem coloured and have a Linn like upper bass bloom.

Unless the 60i is vastly different from the 60 - they are not bright , just neutral, maybe your system is bright elsewhere.

But on my LP12/Ikemi/Prima Luna/MF Xcans they sound just right.


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