I'm looking to upgrade my system in the future and thinking along the lines of the Primare i30 amp and pairing them with the Proac 140 speakers and wondered if anyone could advise on whether or not this is a good match or if alternatives to either or both would be best. I was also thinking to get the Roksan Caspian M-Series CD player to partner with them. I like all kinds of music with Tom Waites, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan and John Martyn being amongst my favourites, although all genres are covered in my collection.
I listen at all levels of volume depending on who is around at the time and like my sound to be spacious yet precise at the same time. I like music to sound very well defined with a solid but not heavy bass (more punchy than anything else), for fine detail to be delivered effortlessly and for vocals to be delivered with real emotion and clarity.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
I'm looking to upgrade my system in the future and thinking along the lines of the Primare i30 amp and pairing them with the Proac 140 speakers and wondered if anyone could advise on whether or not this is a good match or if alternatives to either or both would be best. I was also thinking to get the Roksan Caspian M-Series CD player to partner with them. I like all kinds of music with Tom Waites, Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan and John Martyn being amongst my favourites, although all genres are covered in my collection.
I listen at all levels of volume depending on who is around at the time and like my sound to be spacious yet precise at the same time. I like music to sound very well defined with a solid but not heavy bass (more punchy than anything else), for fine detail to be delivered effortlessly and for vocals to be delivered with real emotion and clarity.
Any advice would be gratefully received.