Good (music) AVR for difficult speakers?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

My AVR (10 year old Marantz SR5000) went to AVR heaven recently, so I'm looking for a new one. I have speakers wich are rather difficult to drive (Dynaudio Audience 122 mains and centre, 86db) and prefer an AVR wich is good with music (as al listen a bit more to music than I wacht movies). Budget: 1500 to 2000. I have no intentions to listen at ear bleeding levels, but I inderstand that the Dyns need enough "omph" to perform well.

I was thinking about Cambridge Audio 650R (when it comes uit ;-), Rotel RSX1550 or Denon AVR 4310 or maybe a NAD (but they seem to have software issues). According to some tests, Yamaha seems great but power drops quick when it has to drive 4ohm speakers in 5 channels (and maybe the Rotel, but I'm not shure). I have soft spot for a Primare SPA21 (older model), but that is hard to get in Belgium.

Sperate amp for mains is no option due to place restrictions.

I welcome your expert advice!

(sorry for mistakes against English)

The Denon AVR 4310 wil have enough power to drive the Dynaudio while still keeping alot in reserve. so far it,s the most musical AVR i have heard! i have had it in my kit for about 3 month now and i never had one single issue what so ever! , just give it about 50 hours to run in and after that your Dynaudio might just beg for mercy 🙂

The Yamaha DSP-Z7 should certainly be on your shortlist. Many think it is the best amp at your price point - and it's been substantially reduced, so that it's even better value.
Thanx for the replies. The DSP-Z7 is definately better than the RXV range at 4ohm output, but I need a built in tuner (due to space restrictions). I think I'll go and have a listen to the Denon (and hopefully the Cambridge 650R), but it's hard to find a reseller of both brands. I also ran across the new Harman Kardon AVR760, but I have no idea about the musicality of HK. I took NAD an Rotel off my list.
I didn't know about the internet radio access, but according to the yamaha website, it has no built in tuner like the RXV range. I'll check current prices over here, but I think it will be around 2500 euro (500 more than the Denon and 1000 over the Cambridge, and I'm not shure to stretch my budet so far). Thanks for the replies.
If you have something like a Squeezebox you might not need the Internet Radio. Otherwise, it would a very nice feature to have. It is odd that in the UK, Denon is expensive but the same cannot be said about Yamaha. The opposite seems to hold elsewhere. Still it might worth the 500 euro difference and maybe you could get a better price.


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