Good floor standing speakers for a class a valve amp


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am new to this forum so I will start by saying hi to you all :wave:

I am looking for some advice on what speakers would be best suitable for a single ended class a amplifier. I am currently using a pair of Acousti Energy Aegis Evo 3 which are quite old now. The amplifier has good midrange and treble but I think that there is to much emphasis on the midrange with the speakers I have so I would like a speaker that might tame that down a little. The amplifier does seem to have good bass considering the low output power.

I would like to stick with floorstanding speakers that would be efficient enough to be driven by the low power output of the amplifier. My budget is around £800

Many thanks

Hi and welcome...

I'd be looking at Focal 714V or 816V. They are very efficient - approx 90-91db - and sound cracking with Arcam. Although solid state they are smooth to warm sounding amps, so should be a fabulous match with a valve jobbie.
Thank you both for your reply. Those Focal speakers look very nice.

The amplifier is a DIY amplifier that I designed myself. It does have 4, 8 and 16 ohm taps for the outputs.

Many thanks

Exactly what do you mean by low power , 8w ,10w , 30w ?. What valves are you driving ?. I.E. is it a 10watt 300B for instance .

Just looked at the audionote speakers. They look quite nice and it's probably safe to say they will work well with valve amplifiers seein that the company make valve amps and kits.

The amplifier has a parallel 6550 output stage running as SE Pentode so the amp is probably pushing around 25 - 30 watts

Many thanks

Focal and Audio Note are worth exploring. If you'd like a third option, maybe one of the ProAc floor standers since ProAc speakers work with class A and tubes.

Budget-wise, it'd probably have to be from the studio range, unless you can swing a used pair of D18s at £800.

Good luck!
philipdavies said:
The amplifier has a parallel 6550 output stage running as SE Pentode so the amp is probably pushing around 25 - 30 watts

Many thanks


That reads about right , ta. Focals are a bit of an acquired taste tbh so a lengthy home dem is paramount imo.

Epos Epic 5s may be worth a dem and within budget. Actually you could well be able to strike a deal on these.

Thank you very much for your kind advice. I will deffinetly be looking closer at the speakers that have been mentioned and hopefully be able to audition them with my amplifier.

Many thanks for your kind help.

Get in touch with Allan Hendry at Monopulse if their speaker design is to your taste....???

Don't let the prices on the website put you off. I bought an ex demo pair of model S for half your budget.
Im saving up for the Audio Notes myself as a tube amp user, I use Mordaunt Short Mezzo6s and they do well with 45 watts from my tube amp, Dynaudio Dm 2/7s are also great with 45 watts and I have no problem driving them with my amp in 18 watt mode (they are bookshelves but if you can tell me that after closing your eyes then I owe you a pint). I think Audionote is a good bet as you have diy knowledge you can buy their kit and save yourself a lot of money.

Thank you both for your suggestions. I have heared that the Audionote speakers are good quality all though I have not heared them. I think when I make a short list of speakers I would like to try, the Audionote's will deffinetly be on the list.

Many thanks again for your suggestions.

Do let us know how you get on, especially if you buy the Audionote, would be great to hear from an owner as I plan to purchase one myself
Thanks for your help. I will hopefully audition some speakers this month or next month and will post back here on how I got on and which speakers sounds best to me.

Many thanks



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