going insane! which phono stage - please help.


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Jan 12, 2008
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Ok - technics sl1210 to onkyo 875.

I was originally going to get an AT440mla cart but they've just almost doubled in price
- so, my mind is made up on the Ortofon 2M Red

the only component left is a phono stage

I had decided on the Cambridge Audio 640p > then i was informed i should consider the Grahan Slee Gram amp 1 - but then CA still seems to be the favourite.

Then - just when i was going to go for the 640 i was then told i should most definitely consider this:


i've also had the musical fidelity XLPS recommended but i can't seem to find a seller for that and i suspect it's a fair bit more expensive

please please advise. auditioning is not really possible due to location (Isle of Man)

the record spot

Try Ian Harrison of Mill Hill in Derby - he might have existing AT440MLa stock at the £90 he was offering it for a few weeks back. Still in some current mags at that price. A dealer on Ebay has one for £125 too if IH doesn't. Incidentally, it's still stunning value for that slightly higher price. It was never as low as £60, although yes, £30 is a bit of a hike.


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Jan 12, 2008
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so you think the XLPS is better than the CA640? cool

is it a good match with the O 2M Red?

I've never heard of Ian Harrison - take it he's not online?


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Jan 12, 2008
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sorry - i've just re-read whart you said and realised you were talking about the AT44mla. I'll give him a ring and see if he still has one.

If i can get one for £90 i'll snap his hand off - i'm sure it's £30 better than the O2M red

Sound hi fi were selling them for £75 as an offer to vinyl engine members, but they've just gone up to £125!

Anyone got any ideas about either of the two musical fidelity phono stages?


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Dec 23, 2007
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Grahan Slee Gram amp 1

I would go with a Graham Slee every time, I've had mine for 3 years now and never looked back

the record spot

so you think the XLPS is better than the CA640? cool

is it a good match with the O 2M Red?

I've never heard of Ian Harrison - take it he's not online?

Sorry, I missed this - no Ian's not online, but having rechecked his most recent ad, it turns out he's not got any 440s listed, which is unusual. Double check with him though and he can be found via any Google search easily enough. He's in Repton, Derbyshire, IIRC.


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Jan 12, 2008
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Cheers Spot,

I rang Ian and he's going to look into a price for the 440mla for me. I'm pretty resigned to the fact that they're about £125 now, s looks like it'll be the Ortofon 2M red for me.

you any ideas / experience of the phono stages i've mentioned?

Basically the 640 is retailing for £79 at richer sounds - so I'm looking for the BEST phono stage for under £100 that'll match my system and the Ortofon.

the record spot

Hard to say with that combination as I haven't heard either product. I'm going merely by what I'd do in relation to my money, budget concerned and based on what I've heard elsewhere (other suers, magazine reviews, etc). For £100, I'd be all over the Graham Slee (assuming it's still going for £100 these days!). If that's too much, then 640P and spend the other £20 on some good used LPs!

It'll be difficult to try them together as Richer Sounds exclusively stock Cambridge product, but don't stock Graham Slee (as far as I know). They're both extremely good products though - makes for a tough choice.

I'd go for the Slee based on reviews, personal recommendation, build quality and (apparent) performance for the money, but you could say exactly the same about the 640P - and in any case, it's only my opinion and no more right than anyone else's!


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Jan 12, 2008
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You're opinion is highly valued

My head has been turned by the Musical Fidelity V-LPS to be honest, but you're right, the decision between the cambridge audio and the Gram amp 1 is very tough.

I've emailed Stone Audio with my dilema, so it'll be interesting to see what they say - they stock all but the 640.


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