Ghost stories...Sony or all LCDs ...and does it impact


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I've been tempted between various Sony and Pannys for a while and was tempted bt the new w5500 just out. However the latest thread (Sony W5500 review date has a new owner already reporting on this ghosting issue. Would be good to get peoples feedback about how much of an issue this is

1) Is it a Sony or general LCD problem? Sony seems to get more feedback than anyone else here?

2) Does the problem improve as the TV beds in?

3) Does it impact viewing pleasure

4) If it does then do manufacturers actually look after the buyer. Impression from looking at forums is a negative here. Are different buyers sensitive to this to a greater/ lesser extent

5) if the WHF review tv has no issue here where are you selling it 2nd hand!!


As you mention, there have been loads of comments about this topic.

To address your questions:

1) It's a general LCD problem, as LCDs are always lit (Samsung's side-lit LCD panels is an attempt to get round this). I don't know if it's worse on Sony LCDs (though I know some people think so!) - perhaps Sony sell more, and people expect their stuff to be perfect?

2) Possibly. I've had my set for about 4 months, and hardly notice any backlight bleed now, although that could be because I'm more used to it (doubtful!).

3) That depends on the individual - I'm sure some people are more intolerant than others. And it is only really noticeable, if at all, if you're watching in a darkened room. Even then, you can lessen the effect by having some ambient light around the television (which will be better for your eyesight too).

4) Some people are really p*ssed off that Sony don't acknowledge it as a problem. Mind you, if you search these forums (and elsewhere), you'll see that some people are less than impressed with the customer service of other companies, including Pioneer and Denon.

5) Only WHF can answer that question!

I am very happy with my Sony LCD. I would suggest you have a demo, preferably in a darkened room!


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