method man:
Oz, this link below goes to my expereinces building a system with a PC
and wireless streaming. may be of interest.
Hi method man.
Just read your article and I am intrigued with your approach to listening to music. I am also quite keen to move over to computer based music. Currently I have a Cambridge audio 640C, 540a both v2. and Monitor Audio BR5s. Whilst I'm pleased with the sound I'm constantly frustrated with changing discs. I would like to ask you if you think my sound would be impaired if I was to get shot of the CA duet in favour of the Squeezebox duet. For this I would have the duet connected to my Yamaha DSPAX763 (home cinema amplifier) for the DA conversion. My laptop is set up to rip CDs in the FLAC format and output these at the all important 44.1hz. I guess the only change which may have an impact on sound would be where the data is converted to analogue and amplified i.e in the home cinema amplifier and not in the CA combo. I could however add an external DAC (DACMagic) at a later date for the DA conversion but the yammy would still be doing the amplification.
Any advise would be highly appreciated before taking the plunge and selling my CA kit!
Regards, Matt
p.s. What is the range on the remote to the squeezebox (does it work through walls?) Not sure if it is an IR connection!