Getting hi res audio to my Amp via external DAC?


New member
Jan 6, 2014
I have just purchased the Denon pma720ae amp and matching cdp. I will mainly play cd's but I am also keen to sample some higher res audio. HD tracks for example have an REM album in a variety of formats and I would like to download this onto my PC (or external drive when I get one) and play via my new system.

My my question is, will an external device such as the HRT micro streamer plug straight into my amp and feed the high res signal for me to listen to? Will it also allow the 320 kb stream from spotify to play in its intended quality?

I really have little knowledge on how this all works apart from what I have read online, so I am not sure if my new amp will support this function, so any advice is much appreciated.

thanks in advance
Assuming your amp will accept a hi-def music source , just plug an optical lead from the pc to the amp. or just get a dac. As it happens im replaceing my dac for a new arcam irdac. old one is a mf vdac 1. Going spare if interested 😀
Ernie said:
I have just purchased the Denon pma720ae amp and matching cdp. I will mainly play cd's but I am also keen to sample some higher res audio. HD tracks for example have an REM album in a variety of formats and I would like to download this onto my PC (or external drive when I get one) and play via my new system.

My my question is, will an external device such as the HRT micro streamer plug straight into my amp and feed the high res signal for me to listen to? Will it also allow the 320 kb stream from spotify to play in its intended quality?

I really have little knowledge on how this all works apart from what I have read online, so I am not sure if my new amp will support this function, so any advice is much appreciated.

thanks in advance

What you are suggesting will all work fine, a good dac will handle pretty much anything your computer can through at it and the HRT will be fine.

One thought though, the HRT is USB only, you might want to consider a different dac, one that can act as an external soundcard and perhaps handle spdif inputs so that you can try your CD player through it.
davedotco said:
Ernie said:
I have just purchased the Denon pma720ae amp and matching cdp. I will mainly play cd's but I am also keen to sample some higher res audio. HD tracks for example have an REM album in a variety of formats and I would like to download this onto my PC (or external drive when I get one) and play via my new system.

My my question is, will an external device such as the HRT micro streamer plug straight into my amp and feed the high res signal for me to listen to? Will it also allow the 320 kb stream from spotify to play in its intended quality?

I really have little knowledge on how this all works apart from what I have read online, so I am not sure if my new amp will support this function, so any advice is much appreciated.

thanks in advance

What you are suggesting will all work fine, a good dac will handle pretty much anything your computer can through at it and the HRT will be fine.

One thought though, the HRT is USB only, you might want to consider a different dac, one that can act as an external soundcard and perhaps handle spdif inputs so that you can try your CD player through it.

oh thank you for that suggestion davedotco. Which DAC can offer that function? Just a further point, will all amps handle and output the standard of high res audio that is fed via the external DAC, or does the amp itself have to accept the audio in the 1st place?
TALON1973 said:
Assuming your amp will accept a hi-def music source , just plug an optical lead from the pc to the amp. or just get a dac. As it happens im replaceing my dac for a new arcam irdac. old one is a mf vdac 1. Going spare if interested 😀

well if the price is right
All dacs output analogue audio at about 2 volts. Any modern and most vintage amplifiers will handle that, no problem.

I an not that familier with budget dacs, but one that has an asynchronous usb and a spdif digital coax or toslink should give you ass the options.

Look at something like the Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 100, now just £149, or an Musical Fidelity V90 for about £50 more.
davedotco said:
All dacs output analogue audio at about 2 volts. Any modern and most vintage amplifiers will handle that, no problem.

I an not that familier with budget dacs, but one that has an asynchronous usb and a spdif digital coax or toslink should give you ass the options.

Look at something like the Cambridge Audio Dacmagic 100, now just £149, or an Musical Fidelity V90 for about £50 more.

thanks again I will check them out on line.

From your previous point, is there some suggestion that such DACs can also improve the quality of the cdp playback?
Looking at around £70 mark . which would include delivery. Not sure if im allowed to do this in this topic tbh , mods can advise
No, you're not allowed to do this in any topic, according to House Rules. Maybe if/when the mods wake up this morning they'll remove your attempt to trade on the site.
spiny norman said:
No, you're not allowed to do this in any topic, according to House Rules. Maybe if/when the mods wake up this morning they'll remove your attempt to trade on the site.

Thanks for pointing that out 🙂 put having now read that topic i still can't see where it says i can't say i have a spare dac available ??? I'm not "IN the trade " i'm a private seller. Is there a forum area for doing private sales on here ?


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