Getting back into Hi-Fi


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Quite a few years ago I was the proud owner of a Rotel RCD-1050 source, Roksan Kandy amp and some Mordaunt-Short MS812 speakers.

Due to a lack of space at the time and the system just not getting enough use I regrettably sold all of it.

I am now keen to get back into creating a decent and purely hi-fi set up. With the way the industry is moving along and the advances in various methods of listening to music I am thinking of investing in a decent amplifier and speakers, and then I can buy whatever sources I require as new products and technologies are released.

I would like to spend around £650 on amp and a similar amount on speakers.

For the amplifier I was thinking along the lines of the Cyrus 6a or Rokasan Kandy, and speaker wise maybe the Dynaudio DM2/6 or Tannoy Revolution Sig. DC4.

I need a CDP as I have a large collection of CD's, so I was thinking of later adding something like a Marantz CD6004 or Cambridge Audio 641C, and then at some point a music steamer like the Marantz NA7004 or Pioneer N50 (having Airplay would be a nice feature) to make the most of the music I have on my PC.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this? I listen to mainly rock, metal, dance and dubstep, and this will be hopefully a life-long investment!

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Regarding your Pc, it already provides several source possibilities.

It will play various disc formats, including CD and it can be used as a streamer.

So that just leaves an amp, DAC and speakers. Soultions here can be individual items or products that combine all three.

Various amp/DACs exist, as do active speakers (amp and speakers) and a few amp/DAC speaker combinations.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a dedicated CD player as it is too focused. The Pc will be fine in this regard when coupled with an external DAC. My system is an example of an active digital set up, there are others that use more traditional amp/speaker combinations.
Before you spend your money do try to audition a pair of AVI ADM 9T active speakers. Fantastic sound, with DAC, pre and power amps in the Acive speakers, remote and all cabling--Inside your budget. You will struggle to get better sound for your pound.

For balance[and personal safety 🙂] other actives are available but I don't know them like I know my 9Ts.

Good luck.
Welcome to the forums. It must be an exciting time with a nice budget to spend! Use it wisely and audition well!

I went through this process before Christmas ands like you thought I NEEDED Airplay as I had c300gig of iTunes music, alas I found that everything I had other than the ALAC files were too compressed to play on the new setup, so for your money as the previous post says concentrate on Demo'ing kit and if it has Airplay it has Airplay but I bet like me you will spend the next year or two buying all the CDs you already have as 320bpm files, so that you can convert them to FLAC
You can rip CDs as FLAC files. Why would you want to buy files that are lower in resolution than CD and convert them into a lossless format? The information just isn't there in the first place. If you already own something on CD, simplay use EAC or similar to rip it as a FLAC file and away you go - a lossless rip at CD quality.
rega brio-r/rega dac/rega apollo-r and some kef R100/R300's on the end of it, its a jaw droppingly superb pairing IMO and hard to beat at this price!
Just bitten the bullett and purchased the R300 as an upgrage from the 685's I was running, to go with my Rega Brio R and Rega DAC. IMO these really are truely outstanding speakers and a perfect match for my Rega combo 🙂
If you go for the Tannoys, try to audition Onkyo TX8050 and I'm sure you will like it.

It's huge value for money. I know as I compared few amps recently. K2 didn't impressed me. At least it's not good match with the Tannoys. Onkyo surely is 8)
Yes, there seems to be a good mix with the Tannoy DC range and the Onkyo - works nicely with my DC4s.
1984cw said:
Quite a few years ago I was the proud owner of a Rotel RCD-1050 source, Roksan Kandy amp and some Mordaunt-Short MS812 speakers.

Due to a lack of space at the time and the system just not getting enough use I regrettably sold all of it.

I am now keen to get back into creating a decent and purely hi-fi set up. With the way the industry is moving along and the advances in various methods of listening to music I am thinking of investing in a decent amplifier and speakers, and then I can buy whatever sources I require as new products and technologies are released.

I would like to spend around £650 on amp and a similar amount on speakers.

For the amplifier I was thinking along the lines of the Cyrus 6a or Rokasan Kandy, and speaker wise maybe the Dynaudio DM2/6 or Tannoy Revolution Sig. DC4.

I need a CDP as I have a large collection of CD's, so I was thinking of later adding something like a Marantz CD6004 or Cambridge Audio 641C, and then at some point a music steamer like the Marantz NA7004 or Pioneer N50 (having Airplay would be a nice feature) to make the most of the music I have on my PC.

Any thoughts or suggestions on this? I listen to mainly rock, metal, dance and dubstep, and this will be hopefully a life-long investment!

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

This could be the answer certainly worth checking out. Or even:


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