Fyne audio BEATS KEF LS50

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I saw this video today... I threw up and needed a shower after watching it. The review sounds like it was written by KEF's marketing department. This guy either got free speakers or was paid for his review. Another possibility I suspect (but don't claim as fact) Is that audio companies sometimes send out souped up versions to reviewers. A version with better crossover parts and tighter tolerances.
There is no way I can listen to the same speaker and hear what this guy is hearing. Pay for play...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Q_CrvHwnc
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I agree, @Surly Sid , that there is some gushing language used during this video and I think this needs to be toned down a little to make it more credible.

I do, however, think you are making some pretty wild accusations in your post, especially about KEF themselves. Those accusations, particularly that of doctoring review samples to sound better, are potentially libellous and are unsubstantiated.

In amongst the hyperbole, the reviewer does point out some of the considerations needed before purchasing a pair of LS50 Metas and he quite accurately points out the areas where they may fall short for some listeners and in some systems.

I still fail to understand what your interest is in so persistently sharing your dislike for the LS50s. If you had a commercial interest in a competing product I could possibly understand your temptation to counterbalance the more positive reviews, but I don't think you are, and denigrating a competitor's product is the worst possible form of marketing anyway. I'm sure if you were in that position you would focus on promoting the advantages of your own product rather than the disadvantages of the KEFs.

You are quick to share and celebrate videos which support your personal view, but also quick to share and criticise videos which offer an alternative opinion. I suspect you have more to offer than that.
I saw this video today... I threw up and needed a shower after watching it. The review sounds like it was written by KEF's marketing department. This guy either got free speakers or was paid for his review. Another possibility I suspect, Is that KEF sends out souped up versions of the LS50 to reviewers. A version with better crossover parts and tighter tolerances.
There is no way I can listen to the same speaker and hear what this guy is hearing. Pay for play...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Q_CrvHwnc

Surly Sid, you beat me to it. I think the forum would be poorer without you, and I wanted to post this vid just to make your day. I am most disappointed in missing the chance to inflame your temper!

In all seriousness though, this was the best review of the Meta I’ve seen/ read so far.
I saw this video today... I threw up and needed a shower after watching it. The review sounds like it was written by KEF's marketing department. This guy either got free speakers or was paid for his review. Another possibility I suspect, Is that KEF sends out souped up versions of the LS50 to reviewers. A version with better crossover parts and tighter tolerances.
There is no way I can listen to the same speaker and hear what this guy is hearing. Pay for play...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Q_CrvHwnc

The review reinforces my view that many undersestimate the Atom’s amp, albeit the high price.
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The review reinforces my view that many undersestimate the Atom’s amp, albeit the high price.

The problem i have a with naim these days is the price of it, a short 5 years ago you could get a nap 200dr for around £1799 what is it now £2300/2500 thats a massive price increase and i think they're talking about another one. Upside is i actually made money when i came to sell my nap 200dr on.

For that sort of money i struggle to recommend naim to people when you have companies like musical fidelity and hegal making more forward thinking gear and more reliable products.

I also find naims digital stuff to be a little lacking and somewhat unreliable, my dac v1 was back with naim 3 times with the same fault across 2 units (first one was replaced) and was with them a 2/3months at a time,over the year that i owned it. I eventually got a refund and purchased a chord qutest and has had absolutely no problems in the 2 years i've owned it, it just sits there glowing away. Dont get me wrong the V1 sounded great when it was working!

My naim uniti 2 left the factory with a slipped CD draw and had to go back to the factory to put it back on its guide, it also required a lot of restarts. So my naim experience was less then stellar.

BUT there amps are solid and very reliable ive found. but for the pirce, theres certainly better out there
The problem i have a with naim these days is the price of it, a short 5 years ago you could get a nap 200dr for around £1799 what is it now £2300/2500 thats a massive price increase and i think they're talking about another one. Upside is i actually made money when i came to sell my nap 200dr on.

For that sort of money i struggle to recommend naim to people when you have companies like musical fidelity and hegal making more forward thinking gear and more reliable products.

I also find naims digital stuff to be a little lacking and somewhat unreliable, my dac v1 was back with naim 3 times with the same fault across 2 units (first one was replaced) and was with them a 2/3months at a time,over the year that i owned it. I eventually got a refund and purchased a chord qutest and has had absolutely no problems in the 2 years i've owned it, it just sits there glowing away. Dont get me wrong the V1 sounded great when it was working!

My naim uniti 2 left the factory with a slipped CD draw and had to go back to the factory to put it back on its guide, it also required a lot of restarts. So my naim experience was less then stellar.

BUT there amps are solid and very reliable ive found. but for the pirce, theres certainly better out there
You have been very unlucky with Naim products! I have owned 2 integrated amps and 3 streamers, a phono stage and a Flatcap XS. I NEVER had any problems with any of them.
NAD gear, well that is another matter...
@Surly Sid, not only are you making potentially libellous claims but, by carrying on like this, you're making yourself look ridiculous.
I said I "suspect", I didn't claim for a fact KEF does send modified versions to reviewers. It's the oldest trick in the book! The reviewers don't take these things apart. We just have to "believe" in the company's good faith.
Clearly, when I listen to the LS50s, I am not hearing what this guy is saying he hears. I have heard a ton of speakers and I know the good ones from the ordinary ones, etc.

One of my points is that people shouldn't believe reviews without hearing a product for themselves. If at all possible, listen to a product before buying it. Don't just buy based off of 5 star reviews.
One of my points is that people shouldn't believe reviews without hearing a product for themselves. If at all possible, listen to a product before buying it. Don't just buy based off of 5 star reviews.
I completely agree with that.

And I bought the original LS50s and thought they were great, so I am speaking with the benefit of using them at home in my system, as well as hearing at various shows.
I wasn’t so taken with the smaller active LSXs at a show, but I think they were being asked too much of - to fill a big room with about 25 people in it.
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One of my points is that people shouldn't believe reviews without hearing a product for themselves. If at all possible, listen to a product before buying it. Don't just buy based off of 5 star reviews.

Like a porcupined Ahab, you've produced so many points towards the 50s that perhaps it's time to stick to this one harpoon. Lest your Pequod be sunk.
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You have been very unlucky with Naim products! I have owned 2 integrated amps and 3 streamers, a phono stage and a Flatcap XS. I NEVER had any problems with any of them.
NAD gear, well that is another matter...

See that’s a brand I never had a problem with. And my gear is still going strong after 20 years.

as I’ve said naim stuff sounded great when it was working. I normally keep very quiet about my experience with brand as they stood behind it very well
I saw this video today... I threw up and needed a shower after watching it. The review sounds like it was written by KEF's marketing department. This guy either got free speakers or was paid for his review. Another possibility I suspect (but don't claim as fact) Is that audio companies sometimes send out souped up versions to reviewers. A version with better crossover parts and tighter tolerances.
There is no way I can listen to the same speaker and hear what this guy is hearing. Pay for play...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Q_CrvHwnc
Starting to sound like a conspiracy theorist. No one's internationally trying to give you a tough time but when you blurt out 'i threw up' in the first first sentence of your post, along with unfounded clams and repeated click bait references like "FYNE BEATS KEF" is it hard to understand why people aren't outright supportive of what you say?

I think if you laid down a strong foundation for your argument, with referenced evidenced then it would be way more constructive on both sides.

Look, I get that you're annoyed because you think there are some exaggerated clams/marketing about the LS50's performance (and no one likes to feel blatantly lied to) but if you're quite certain that, in your mind it's all bull, when why aren't you happy with that, instead of posting to push that view on others?

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but if you're quite certain that, in your mind it's all bull, when why aren't you happy with that, instead of posting to push that view on others?

I am trying to give another viewpoint on the LS50s to prevent people from buying them, and thinking they are getting giant killers. Look at how many LS50s there are and have been on the used market. A lot of people bought them thinking they were getting the best speaker ever, only to be disappointed.

Tell me this. If the LS50s were THAT good, why wouldn't everyone just buy a pair and be done with it? No need to spend more for another brand.
I think everyone’s entitled to their opinion, lest ol’ Surly threatens to behead anyone, otherwise he’s welcome here.

The passive LS50 in any guise will require more than people are willing to stick their 6 series Marantz amps at, or maybe even Brios. That’s why I think this particular review was better than Darko’s.

Maybe Surly Sid can tell us what equipment he heard the LS50s with.
I am trying to give another viewpoint on the LS50s to prevent people from buying them, and thinking they are getting giant killers. Look at how many LS50s there are and have been on the used market. A lot of people bought them thinking they were getting the best speaker ever, only to be disappointed.

Tell me this. If the LS50s were THAT good, why wouldn't everyone just buy a pair and be done with it? No need to spend more for another brand.
You're frustrating.

I never confirmed whether they are good or not, and both you and I and everyone on this forum knows why everybody doesn't just buy the LS50's are be done with it, because people have different tastes/needs/preferences/budgets. Why do people buy different cars?

If you don't think people are 'as savvy as you' and are being ripped off or misinformed, just leave that for them to live with/determine. By all means have an open discussion on products, but i can't see why you fixate on the LS50's so much.
I have heard them paired with a good number of integrated amps. Among these was the Rega Elex-R which is a great amp, and a top level Accuphase costing several K (I forget the model number).

You're being disingenuous about the fact you've never owned a pair (at home, over a lengthy period), only having heard them, since your brief audition, sporadically at dealer showrooms? I recall this exchange:
In what way? I have no opinion on the matter, having never heard them, but clearly you do. I'm presuming you've heard them with your own ears, so care to elaborate?
I auditioned the original KEF LS50 with my brother. He was looking for speakers. We compared them to the Sonus Faber Toy Tower. The Sonus Fabers crushed the LS50 and he bought them. The LS50 sounded okay for their price, nothing more.

The LS50 is the biggest fraud perpetuated on audiophiles in the history if Hifi.
...I have heard a ton of speakers and I know the good ones from the ordinary ones, etc.

You know the good ones from the ordinary ones IN YOUR OPINION.

One of my points is that people shouldn't believe reviews without hearing a product for themselves. If at all possible, listen to a product before buying it. Don't just buy based off of 5 star reviews.

Sage advice, and well worth everyone remembering.


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