I think we can all accept there isn't any such thing as a truly objective review, unless it is purely technical, and that doesn't by any means tell the full story.
People have their own tastes and biases for all sorts of reasons, and these are always going to be part of a subjective assessment whether consciously or sub-consciously. There's owner bias, advertising considerations (which help most magazines and online channels at exist at all), the bias of those with bad experiences of a brand... the list is endless.
There isn't any such thing as a 'perfect' hi-fi component. It's always about which particular set of strengths and compromises an individual prefers, in their own listening environment and with the range of music they listen to. The best way to help others is to share your own perceptions of a piece of equipment based on direct experience, and with some of the context within which those perceptions exist. Whether leaning towards liking or disliking a product that's far more productive than getting into a slanging match, or providing a dramatic 'counter balance'.