Fyne audio BEATS KEF LS50

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Sonus Faber Venere 2
Sonus Faber Toy Tower
Ryan R610
Wharfedale Diamond 220
Totem Tribe Towers
and many others...

This list shows that your preferences lean towards a warmer sound, so it isn't a surprise that the LS50s aren't your cup of tea. All of the speakers you mention focus on different strengths to those of the KEFs. It's interesting to know of some of the speakers you like, and it's good that you know your own preferences, but that doesn't mean there's any need to be so actively critical of other people's preferences. They are no less valid than yours.
Oh yes, the old excuse for the LS50s, they need power bla bla bla... This is the weakest argument. Another zinger from KEF marketing.

If a speaker needs more than 50 watts to sound good, it is a bad design.

Say what?

Also, Wharfedale 220 has no bass or impact, and any decent pair of speakers, like the Revel Performa, DESTROYS the soft sounding SF Venere. Hm.. this was easy...
Please, please stop. Your views are known to all, and you've been banned twice for coming here just to rubbish one product. I suspect next time it will be for keeps.
Actually, I have been banned once, not twice. And, as far as I know, it was not because I rubbish (your words) the KEF LS50.
As I have said before, I provide a counter balance to all the over hyped and gushing reviews. I do not "rubbish" the Kefs.
Silly me, I just realised you are not a moderator. I will nonetheless make this post.
What? But... I don't understand, I thought whf were on Kef's payroll, but they also give 5 stars to Wharfedale products, I'm so confused... Who to trust? Who am I? What is life? What HiFi?....
It is well know that What Hifi is BIASED for British products. Sean on Zero Fidelity agrees with this viewpoint.
F500 vs F700 vs F701 . I do see that the F701 goes down upto 35Hz . Any updates users can share from if they have demoed these at one place or own ?Is ir better or is it different from Wharfedale 11.2s ? Any thoughts appreciated .
Actually, I have been banned once, not twice. And, as far as I know, it was not because I rubbish (your words) the KEF LS50.
As I have said before, I provide a counter balance to all the over hyped and gushing reviews. I do not "rubbish" the Kefs.
Silly me, I just realised you are not a moderator. I will nonetheless make this post.
I was trying to help you, and you have been banned twice - as I've said before a banner appear so it's readily apparent. Your posting about other things is a good idea!
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I think we can all accept there isn't any such thing as a truly objective review, unless it is purely technical, and that doesn't by any means tell the full story.

People have their own tastes and biases for all sorts of reasons, and these are always going to be part of a subjective assessment whether consciously or sub-consciously. There's owner bias, advertising considerations (which help most magazines and online channels at exist at all), the bias of those with bad experiences of a brand... the list is endless.

There isn't any such thing as a 'perfect' hi-fi component. It's always about which particular set of strengths and compromises an individual prefers, in their own listening environment and with the range of music they listen to. The best way to help others is to share your own perceptions of a piece of equipment based on direct experience, and with some of the context within which those perceptions exist. Whether leaning towards liking or disliking a product that's far more productive than getting into a slanging match, or providing a dramatic 'counter balance'.
Yes, and read Stereophile's review. I threw up after reading it...
It sounds like Kef's marketing department wrote that review.

Do you understand confirmation bias?!

Coz you present all reviews and views that match your own as fact, but those that don't as marketing copy or bias.

Oh, and you should probably look up the definition of trolling while you're at it!!!
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Same old crap I see on other websites, if a product is British and a good product, it is not OK to say so, the trolls don't like it.

If a British product is a good one, there is nothing wrong with saying so.


I'd also add that very few speakers are 100% British these days anyway. Most of the old names are owned by foreign companies such as Peak (KEF, Celestion), IAG (Quad, Wharfedale, Castle Acoustics) and Sound United (B&W), and manufactured abroad. To get something which is British owned, developed and made you have to look at brands like Spendor, Russell K, Rega and Harbeth.
For me nothing beats listening to a product in my own listening environment, i know i have my own bias regarding the sound I like, so much of what we like around sound is dependent on so many variables. Reviewers have there own preferences in terms of sound etc, so ultimatly when it comes to quality of a product it truly can simply be that we have a different opinion based on our tastes.........i guess companies like kef have had to look at the realities of how people choose to spend, you can purchase reference products which i believe are still produced in the uk but when you look at the cost / performance ratio it is understandable why some folks choose the cheaper alternatives..........🙂
They’re not my cuppa those. Find them a little weak on all fronts. But I get why people like them. And much the same for the ls50s

As I’ve always said there’s only so much you can do with a piston in a box. No matter how much manufacturers try to sell it to you.
The little forum "hit squad" once again telling Sid what he can and cannot post. You dudes should be moderators... NOT!

I'll even agree with this. No one should be telling you or anyone else what to post or what opinion to have. HOWEVER, you need to continue to tone it down. You have done so and it's seen and appreciated. It's fine to disagree. But it can be done civilly. By all means if there's an LS50 ( or whatever ) thread and 2 or 3 people are telling the OP to go for it then by all means post in that thread but instead of 'The LS50 sucks', post some alternatives and explain why they're better. That's the kind of stuff that's good for everyone. I'm fine with this thread and the dissenting videos. Again that's the kind of stuff that really helps people. All we require is civility.


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