For Andy / Team : Sony KDL-40WE5W and KDL-40W5500???


New member
Feb 14, 2008

These two sets share the same spec (I think) but have a different backlight. Do you know (having tested the 46WE5 and giving 5 stars) if the 40' sets picture is as good or the same as the W5500?

The different backlight may not suffer from the clouding issue? if the picture is not effected by the difference in backlight, it may be the set for me!! Finally!

I was worried that the backlight in the WE5 may change the picture quality?

I like the white, goes spot on with the room and looks lovely.

Can you help??
Hi Nick

As we haven't tested the KDL-40WE5W, I can't say for sure that it will be as good as the 46WE5W. One of the big problems with Sony LCDs at the moment is their inconsistent quality control - one set in the range may suffer from backlight issues, the next may not.

While in theory the 40WE5W should be good, we can't give a definitive answer until we've tested it.
We're steadily working our way through as many models as possible from the frankly ludicrous (IMO) number of TVs from Sony, Panasonic, Samsung et al.... Sure we'll review the 40WE5W - indeed I believe Sony is coming in with some more kit later this week, so i'll add it to the request list if it's not in that batch!
It could be the clear winner maybe? If it is as good as the 46?

My query would be, does the energy saving backlight have any relation to picture quality??
Hi Clare / Andy / Anyone / Beuller,

Any news as to a review set from Sony?

Im holding out in case its a clear 40-42' winner........
Sunday probably not the best time to get a definitive response on this - sorry, but I am at home without access to our product database! Will chase up with test team tomorrow
I saw the KDL-40WE5W in my local Sony shop yesterday and the picture looked great....much better than most of the other models they had on show.

I'd discounted this due to the colour, but the guy in the shop confirmed they had black models coming into stock, in fact they had a 40" black in a box in the stores.....though I'm after a 46"

I'm now in a quandary again as thought I'd made my mind up on the Samsung 46" 7020 ?
The team hace reviewd the 46' version and have rated it 5 stars. this was the reason I am hoping they can test the 40'. if the backlight issue that the W5500 sufferd from has gone due to the 40We5W having this eco backlight, maybe it will be the set of the just hoping i can hold off long enough!

Clare, thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.
Not seen the KDL-40WE5W on any recent contents list, but as Clare says, we've still got a ludicrous number of new Sony/Panasonic/Samsung TVs to get through. Our August Supertest is 50in screens.
I found a group test in another publication, the first serious review of the 40' model and they rated it the winner. said the the new 'hot' backlight appeard to remove the clouding issue of the other Sony sets. Add that to the power saving (not that I really care, sorry) and its looking good.

I hope I can wait for What Hi Fi to review it or does anyone reckon I can go on what What Hi Fi say about the 46' seeing as the other publication rate the 40' just as highly...?

If it is out in black as well as the other post says, it may be hard to beat in the 40' battle!
Hi Nick

Is the other group test you saw on-line?....I'd like to check that out too.

Anybody else heard about this in black? I haven't seen anything anywhere. If it is, anyone know when it will be available?
The black version is listed on the part number is KDL40WE5B rather than KDL40WE5W.

Review not online, its in another magazine. I dont really want to advertise what may be the competition, but I guess the fact I am trying to wait for the What Hi Fi opinion says something. So I trust I dont upset the team (they are very helpful you see) or am breaking any rules?.

EDITED BY MODS - yes, we're afraid so...

I really hope What Hi Fi can get some info on the set. They are the one publication I have always gone buy and trust the most.

Fingers crossed!
Have seen the black model advertised as well.

May take the pludge anyway!

Still hoping What Hi Fi can get some idea about this set soon.......

Anyone got one??
Sony KDL-40WE5W

The other publications are loving this set. Great pircture and eco friendly!

Clare: Any news on whether you guys are going to review this set? It seems a popular model elsewhere and available in black as well!

Can you let me know if you are likely to get hold of it??

Many Thanks,
I'm sure we've requested it from Sony - will need to ask the test team tomorrow where we're getting on it arriving!
Thanks Clare, I'll keep an eye out for some news. I know Im going on a bit, but it does seem this could be an Award winning 40'.......
seen the sony kdl-40we5 for a second weekend in another enviroment, this week playing cricket in hd, against alot of panasonics in the shop and i have to say it looks very impressive, the colours are so vibrant, sharp and crisp.

Following on from the above any news on a review? can someone tell me if this set uses different backlight from the 40w550?

Given the price and picture id happily purchase this tv subject to the backlight issues of sony's


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