Foobar2000 Convolver Plugin


New member
Aug 10, 2019
After reading a post on how to configure Foobar2000 to use Asio drivers I have been tinkering with the program and it's various plugins. I stumbled across one called convolver which allows you to modify the sound by adding effects and eq etc. The forums I stumbled on seem a little technical and I am not sure how you configure your own "impulses" so I began downloading some. I haven't exactly found any that meet my needs, which is to beef up the bass somewhat. Does anyone here have any experience with this plugin and if so, which impulses do you use and where did you get them from? If you created them yourself, can you offer me any tips on how to go about this? It appears this little plugin has a lot of potential, I just don't know how to go about unlocking it!
Yes, it does, however the convolver is apparently better.Quite how it works is beyond me, which is why I wanted to see if anyone here could help with downloadable presets etc. It can be used to replicate the sound characterstics of different buildings, such as a church or concert hall, can add effects such as reverb and also tube sounds, as well as eq. As I don't understand how it works, I don't really know how to begin setting it up. I am currently using a tube preset which I downloaded but the difference is minimal, however it does make acoustic guitars sound nicer, to my ears anyway! I would like to be able to set up my own EQ and possibly the tube effect in a plugin but it is beyond me how to go about it, and I don't know why it would be preferable to Foobars own EQ. Any info I can find is just too technical for me, although I've also found the skinning side of things a little tricky too, I do like the one PjPro has shown on a different thread but I don't know how to emulate it! Maybe I should stick with iTunes!
Errr, why would you want to do this?

I've gone right out of my way to ensure that the sound I ripped from the CD is the sound I get back when playing my files.


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