Demo'd ATC SCM40, PMC FB1i and ProAc D18 on Friday. Liked the dealer, Paul Green Hi-Fi (PGHF) in Bath, very much - friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and not pushy in the slightest. And they made me a cuppa char.
Found the PMC FB1i to be too forward, with synthetic- and bright-sounding brass instruments and strings during jazz and classical - Retrospect Trio's
Purcell: Ten Sonatas In Four Parts SACD was rendered a screeching horror.
The FB1i also lacked appropriate bass extension.
Felt that the ATC SCM40 merely offered more of the same, albeit with
slightly better bass extension and a smidge more mid-range detail. And erk ahlors, what a munter! Remove the grille and it looks like some lash-up from
Mad Max.
The ProAc D18? Mmm, now we're cookin'. At last, a speaker that, IMHO, challenges the Spendor A6? Via the D18, Julian Bream's guitar sounded like, well, an Jos‚ Romanillos-made guitar and not some tinny, factory-built buzz box that costs 50 quid. The D18 also has a wee bit more texture and depth during rock, electronica and soul compared to the A6, but perhaps that's because the former can be, and was, bi-amp'd? And this pair of D18s have clocked up many hours of run-in, hence the bass extension was also impressive...
For example, the extremely deep bass synth during Massive Attack's
Flat Of The Blade was delivered with impressive ease - it was subwoofer-esque and dramatic, but not overpowering/unbalanced.
However, when playing Murray Perahia's
Goldberg', the grand piano sounded 'small' through the D18, compared to the A6's authentic sense of scale and timbre. Although, the demo room at PGHF is not ideal - it's a tad wee, with a large window-area and office-type partition walls (ie brittle and thin). The fellas at PGHF acknowledge that the acoustics are lacking, which is why they've offered me a home demo with their D18s over a w/e. Very tempting.
Meanwhile, later today (Sat) I'm going to investigate the Totem Forests that Igglebert discovered. And I've already been to the bank, just in case...