longwayround:bluber:A piece of music - of any kind - is an objet d'art and should be judged as such. There is thus an objective component in the process of judging music which is different from just applying total subjectivity based on your own emotions, psychological issues and so on.
If your Eagles friends reallly obectively try to listen to the music - and disregard their own subjective bias, emotional predispositions etc, they might find that Coltrane is much better than the Eagles. Not to mention the superiority of Mozart.
I'm sorry but that is arrant nonsense. Whether one piece of music is better than another is entirely based on the listener's emotional response. Some listeners may prefer music with Bachian mathematical complexity, others may prefer music which reminds them of an early love affair, still others may prefer music to which they cannot help but dance. It would appear that your preference is for music which provokes an intellectual response. You are just as welcome to that preference as anyone else is to their own.
OK, if you insist. Anyway, end of "nonsense" talk on this subject from my side .
If your Eagles friends reallly obectively try to listen to the music - and disregard their own subjective bias, emotional predispositions etc, they might find that Coltrane is much better than the Eagles. Not to mention the superiority of Mozart.
I'm sorry but that is arrant nonsense. Whether one piece of music is better than another is entirely based on the listener's emotional response. Some listeners may prefer music with Bachian mathematical complexity, others may prefer music which reminds them of an early love affair, still others may prefer music to which they cannot help but dance. It would appear that your preference is for music which provokes an intellectual response. You are just as welcome to that preference as anyone else is to their own.
OK, if you insist. Anyway, end of "nonsense" talk on this subject from my side .