FLAC files . . .


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May 25, 2011
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Not sure what to do??? I have down loaded a LINN FLAC file, computer wont open it to play. Seems there are free download FLAC file converters? please advise course of action to take.



CJSF said:
Not sure what to do??? I have down loaded a LINN FLAC file, computer wont open it to play. Seems there are free download FLAC file converters? please advise course of action to take. CJSF

More information needed.

ie What type of computer are you using? Do you want to play it anywhere else? ie streamer, portable etc.

If it's a PC, then WMP won't play it natively. You can either download one of the myriad of free players available (Winamp, Media Monkey, Foobar, etc), or google (playing FLAC in WMP).

If you're using iTunes on PC or Mac, it won't work, you'll need to convert them to ALAC(lossless), MP3 or AAC (lossy). dbPoweramp will do it, but that's not free.

If it's a Mac, then I'm not sure, but most people seem to use something called Max to convert it.


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May 25, 2011
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snivilisationism said:
CJSF said:
Not sure what to do??? I have down loaded a LINN FLAC file, computer wont open it to play. Seems there are free download FLAC file converters? please advise course of action to take. CJSF

More information needed.

ie What type of computer are you using? Do you want to play it anywhere else? ie streamer, portable etc.

If it's a PC, then WMP won't play it natively. You can either download one of the myriad of free players available (Winamp, Media Monkey, Foobar, etc), or google (playing FLAC in WMP).

If you're using iTunes on PC or Mac, it won't work, you'll need to convert them to ALAC(lossless), MP3 or AAC (lossy). dbPoweramp will do it, but that's not free.

If it's a Mac, then I'm not sure, but most people seem to use something called Max to convert it.

Thanks, its a basic PC/windows XP, to valve amp and then basic two channel stereo setup.



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May 25, 2011
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Googled; 'FLAC to WMP file convertion' . . . All looks very complicated to a computer numpty like me ?????



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May 25, 2011
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I know . . . I'm a real numpty where computers are concerned, I have problems with dyslexia, it affects my memory for codes, numbers and names and of course, I cant spell, you may have noticed! . . . so I always have to 'refer', nothing to refer to, in trouble! I've gone for the xiph.org option first, see how that works.

I will stick to WMP files in future, I did not pay for the FLAC file it was my 'What HiFi' free-bee from Linn.

Thanks again, CJSF


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chebby said:
Studio Master WMA might have been a better choice...


They also provide a bunch of free test downloads to find out which format is compatible before you download a paid for file...


Do Linn not see the irony in their refusal to let make their DS players compatible with WMA Lossless files? That's right DS can't play their own WMA Studio Master music. They told me flat no in their forums. On the other hand DS plays Apple Lossless but they'll never offer Airplay.


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Oct 16, 2008
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CJSF said:
I know . . . I'm a real numpty where computers are concerned, I have problems with dyslexia, it affects my memory for codes, numbers and names and of course, I cant spell, you may have noticed!

No, I can't recall you ever making a spelling mistake.


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May 25, 2011
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The_Lhc said:
CJSF said:
I know . . . I'm a real numpty where computers are concerned, I have problems with dyslexia, it affects my memory for codes, numbers and names and of course, I cant spell, you may have noticed!

No, I can't recall you ever making a spelling mistake.

I do, loads, I rely on the computer spell checker, I have no idea if its right or wrong, thank god for computers, been my communication life saver, despite me not understanding them . . .



manicm said:
Do Linn not see the irony in their refusal to let make their DS players compatible with WMA Lossless files? That's right DS can't play their own WMA Studio Master music. They told me flat no in their forums. On the other hand DS plays Apple Lossless but they'll never offer Airplay.

It will be a licensing thing.

The real culprits in all this are Apple and Microsoft (and to an extent, Sony) for their respective media players not playing the most used (and free) lossless codec.


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snivilisationism said:
manicm said:
Do Linn not see the irony in their refusal to let make their DS players compatible with WMA Lossless files? That's right DS can't play their own WMA Studio Master music. They told me flat no in their forums. On the other hand DS plays Apple Lossless but they'll never offer Airplay.

It will be a licensing thing.

The real culprits in all this are Apple and Microsoft (and to an extent, Sony) for their respective media players not playing the most used (and free) lossless codec.

I rather see it as unusual Scottish stubborness - they quite willingly paid licensing fees to Apple, but won't do the same for Microsoft - another 50 dollars to the purchase price won't drive customers away.


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