Flac capability for Arcam Mini Solo


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2009
Now that Arcam have released the revised Solo(Neo) with Flac file decoding will they be facilitating codecs to be used on the Solo and Mini Solo to allow Flac files to be played back ?? I have many high quality downloads but no way of playing them short of my PC or MP3 player. I would have loved to run to a Naimuniti but at the time funds only allowed me to settle for the Mini Solo. For the money the Mini is amazing but being able to play high quality files would make it so much more ! So come on Arcam,it could be done !!
I have the Solo Mini as well. It's USB playback is poorly implemented:

1. It only plays up to 320k MP3/WMA.

2. Even if you've sorted your files alphabetically on your USB stick, it won't necessarily play it in that order - in fact it plays it in the order you've added files.

In my view it will have to be a major upgrade to enable the Mini to play FLAC/lossless, I'm not gonna hold my breath.


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