Everything is duplicated and i need to delete the duplicates


Well-known member
right as itunes has decided to do something different to before it got me playing arrond tring to find out what was going on.

and i now have atleast 2 copies of every track in itunes.

yes on the NAS not just in the libary.

what i am thinking is moving it to another folder and then downloaing it all fron itunes match.

any thoughts? any links to how to? as there has to be an easier way than going through 1342 albums deleting every duplicated track.


Well-known member
Cheers might just be the thing. as long as it only removes the duplicates and not the songs that are there in more than one album.

a quick read seems that there is the option to possibly do this.


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Sep 18, 2010
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+1 for tune up, did wonders for my music collection. Although I got the same results from MusicBrainz Picard and its absolutely free, tune up is a bit easier to use.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Hmmm, I see I have a similar situation with my Synology NAS. I am assuming that this is due to the fact that it can 'see' multiple versions of the music files across my laptop and its own RAID array. I had thought to do something about it over this weekend, but haven't got the round tuit out of its box yet.


Hi, I used TuneUP and found that it worked well for identifying duplicates but that when I clicked the option to remove them the listing still remained in my iTunes but without the file that it needed to link to - therefore still "appears" to be a duplicate in iTunes but with no file behind it as this had been deleted. You basically get an exclamation mark pop up saying file not found, would you like to locate it? I admit I may have done something wrong but not convinced by TuneUp.

Another option may be to:

1. Hold Alt key down when clicking on file menu - this should show "Display Exact Duplicates" instead of just "Display Duplicates" in the menu. This enables you to identify only the exact duplicates and not copies of the same song that are from another compilation or album that you wont want to delete.

2. Once Exact Duplicates are being displayed sort the list by date modified or date added. Assuming the duplicates were created all on the same date which it sounds like was the case this in theory should show the tracks that you recently managed to duplicate in a group together (with the originals in a separate listing at the top).

3. Scan through to sanity check and ensure these are the files that are duplicated and then hold Shift and scroll down to highlight them all and then delete them all in one go.

Make sure your NAS is backed up before using either TuneUp or above method to make sure you can't lose your files.


Well-known member
Well I did it the manual way. Search for the extensions wanted eg 1.mp3 or 2.m4a etc...now doing a iTunes match to see what I have lost. I hope I can download it from the cloud.


Well-known member
well itunes match can not be used to replace songs.

how the hell do you rescan the libary? or get rid of the broken links you know the ! as if you use the find you end up with two versions.....

why can they have sopme simple actions.


Well-known member
Ah delete it and then you can download from the cloud. Rather than downloading it to fix a missing file you have to delete the iTunes file first.

Ps the site is very flakey on the iPad tonight.