Epos M22i reviews?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Has anyone come across any reviews or had first hand experience with the recently introduced Epos M22i speakers? I've been trying to do some background research to see how they are viewed and can't find much on the web relating to independent views!
Hi! I'm with you on this. I really want to hear some opinions on these. I have listened to these before and they did sound absolutely STUNNING. However, I'm not sure if it was a fair test as each speaker was tri-amped with Quad monoblocs and this kind of set up is probably a bit over the top for the average person. So I would also like to know what the experts think.
sharonadam:However, I'm not sure if it was a fair test as each speaker was tri-amped with Quad monoblocs and this kind of set up is probably a bit over the top for the average person.

The what-hifi reviews team are likely to use their reference system to test this type of loudspeaker. Also a bit 'over the top for the average person" I dare say.....

Naim CDS3 + Naim 555 power supply (£10k)Bryston BP26 preamp and Bryston 4BSST power amp (£7k)[/list]
I've owned the EPOS M22's and found them to be very articulate speakers, especially with voices. One major drawback I found with them was the soundstage, or rather, the lack of it.

I had these partnered with a Roksan Kandy MK3 amp and a Rega Apollo CD Player. As good as it sounded, it always felt like the EPOS was 'holding back' - that was my assessment of them.

They were great speakers nevertheless for the price, i.e., £950.00 a couple of years back. I believe WHF had a First Test Review of the EPOS M22 against other speakers and awarded it a 5/5 score (June 05).

I've often wondered why the EPOS M22i's are not included in the Group Tests - maybe someone from the team can answer this, but I would expect the M22i's to have been built upon the strengths of the M22's and made a lot better overall.
sharonadam:However, I'm not sure if it was a fair test as each speaker was tri-amped with Quad monoblocs and this kind of set up is probably a bit over the top for the average person.

The what-hifi reviews team are likely to use their reference system to test this type of loudspeaker. Also a bit 'over the top for the average person" I dare say.....

Naim CDS3 + Naim 555 power supply (£10k)Bryston BP26 preamp and Bryston 4BSST power amp (£7k)[/list]

WHF would review the Epos with both their reference gear and some price compatible electronics...


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