Epos M16 speakers, what amp?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi to everyone, I have purchased a pair of epos m16 speakers which were auditioned with a rotel ra-04 amp, I was very impressed but couldn't help wondering if there was a better sounding amp out there. Any ideas? My budget at the moment is about £350

I recently bought a pair of Epos M16s and have them partnered with the ARCAM A28. They compliment each other well as the M16's tend towards an upfront midrange and a general bright delivery. The ARCAM on the otherhand has quite a lush and laid back delivery. If I were you I would search out a second hand ARCAM alpha 9 amp if you can. that would be lovely.

Also, hope you got the M16's at the reduced rate and not the RRP!

One option would be a used Creek, maybe an Evo or a 5350SE. Since both brands are owned by Creek, they are designed to work with each other.

The result will be very rythmic and detailed; it won't have a dense soundstage however, but rather a compressed one.

Or you can use a warmer, rounder amp, as an Arcam for instance, to give more flesh (and even some fat) to the lean Epos.

I have a friend who owns a pair of M22. He used to drive them with an Arcam A65 Plus, with fair results. But he wanted a more palpable soundstage, so he bought a tube amp. Finally, the images floated on the air. Then he thought a Creek Evo would be a better match. So he sold the tube amp, and bought the Evo. Matching was perfect, but after a few months he missed the sound of tubes. He said he wasn't listening to music anymore, because of the change. So he sold the Evo and is currently looking for another tube amp.

Tube and Epos was a combination that I never expected to sound good. But it did.

Avoid CA, too bright for the Epos, IMO.
In the past i paired Epos with Arcam and it worked very well indeed both with an Arcam A70 and also the Arcam A32 which added much more bass to the presentation.
I would also agree not to pair Epos with Cambridge Audio as i tried this in a shop demo and it was very bright.

I do think that NAD amplifiers are a good match though.
yes I did get them at the reduced price. Thanks for the advice, however went ahead and bought the rotel. Not bad sounding at medium to high volume, not much bass at lower volumes (which my wife thinks is loud enough !)