One option would be a used Creek, maybe an Evo or a 5350SE. Since both brands are owned by Creek, they are designed to work with each other.
The result will be very rythmic and detailed; it won't have a dense soundstage however, but rather a compressed one.
Or you can use a warmer, rounder amp, as an Arcam for instance, to give more flesh (and even some fat) to the lean Epos.
I have a friend who owns a pair of M22. He used to drive them with an Arcam A65 Plus, with fair results. But he wanted a more palpable soundstage, so he bought a tube amp. Finally, the images floated on the air. Then he thought a Creek Evo would be a better match. So he sold the tube amp, and bought the Evo. Matching was perfect, but after a few months he missed the sound of tubes. He said he wasn't listening to music anymore, because of the change. So he sold the Evo and is currently looking for another tube amp.
Tube and Epos was a combination that I never expected to sound good. But it did.
Avoid CA, too bright for the Epos, IMO.