End of my journey

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2021
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After a lifetime of chop and change from the humble beginnings of a NAD3020 , Mission 700's and a Dual 505 I finally arrive with the retirement setup:

Michell Orbe with Technoarm and Dynavector 10x5
Roksan Caspian M2 CD
Phasemation EA-200 phono amp
NAD C289 power amp
Parasound JC-2 pre amp
Cambridge CXN V2 streamer
Usher Mini Dancer 2 DMD

Oh and what a palava to get the right file extension
Does the dog get the sweet spot? Or you've overspent and had to sell the sofa.


Well-known member
For the record, I am no audiophile, its just about listening to the music,
Your system looks lovely ! But come on pull the other one LOL.

I dont get it why is everyone so scared to call themselfs an audiophile? its exactly what you/we are.

You are the very definition of the word "A person who is enthusiastic about high-fidelity sound reproduction" we all are! And you here showing off the very fine gear so you do appreciate it . If you didnt like it or weren't an audiophile you wouldn't be hear shouting about it.

make no mistake you're audiophile!

As I say lovely system hope it bring many years of joy.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2021
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Thank you for the compliments.
In terms of your definition, then yes, I am enthusiastic about high fidelity sound, so perhaps an audiophile after all, but it's not a hobby for me.
For example, did I audition a single piece of my equipment, well actually no. I have made changes or upgraded without auditioning, nothing more than reading a few reviews. Each change that has been made did make some difference to the sound, some more than others. Some changes were made simply to make life easier as I age, reducing the weight of a 50kg amp to a 10 kg amp for example, for ease of moving/cleaning etc.
The biggest change was the recent "downgrade" from 3 way floor standing speakers to 2 way stand mount speakers, but somewhat of an upgrade from Gold to Platinum. I am still blown away at how different and just how good the sound now is, resulting in significantly more hours relaxing, listening to music.
To be honest I rarely listen to CDs or Vinyl now and 98% of my listening is streaming, so I often have thoughts of selling off the record deck and CD transport. As one ages we get less willing or able to continually get up off the chair.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2021
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Thank you. Just wish I had started where I ended up. The PL100's ii really are the icing on the cake, just blown away how good they sound.


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