Emotiva Audio


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Friends, Having read the threat "Emotiva Audio?!" I strongly disagree of what is written there!

First I'm European (from Portugal) and second I own the NAD C355BEE integrated, NAD C545BEE cd player and B&W 684 florstanders speakers.

I ordered one Emotiva UPA-2 power amplifier and now I using the NAD C355BEE as a pre amplifier.

The Emotiva brought an incredible new sound to the B&W's that I thought only far expensive gear would give! The Emotiva UPA-2 has 125 watts per channel, this is REAL 125 watts. I can push the volume higher and higher and the sound never gets distressed, it's always clean, crisp and clear.

The Emotiva is a really unexpensive machine that is really hard to belive the sound it delivers, but it delivers in such a way that your hears can't believe. I say that to find such sound you'd pay for 10 times or even more. The NAD is way behind the Emotiva sound. The company is really excellent, they are very nice, fast in answering and I even got e-mails directly from the owner!

So anyone saying bad things about Emotiva and their products really doesn't know what they're talking about. I say this by my own experience. I've heard Vincent, NAD, Marantz, Cambridge Audio etc and none of this compares to Emotiva, in price and especially in sound quality.

valkilm: I say that to find such sound you'd pay for 10 times or even more.

That's a bit of an oxy-moron...

Since I have not heard emotiva equipment, I cannot comment on the sound quality. I will say that in general (there are always exceptions) you get what you pay for with audio equipment. Meaning there is usually a reliable correlation between price and quality.

I'd also say that while I have not heard emotiva, I have seen their stuff and I'm not crazy about inexpensive gear that is produced to look flashy and expensive. I find that a bit tacky. Like putting wood trim in a hyundai. I prefer budget electronics that are trying to offer quality for low cost look like the money is spent on the sound, not the looks. Just my preference.

I'm not a troll and have been trying to expand my AV knowledge but if you don't like me adding my thoughts please just delete my account.

I'm kinda new to this whole mid/high end audio stuff and only started into it a couple of years ago. I bought a mid level Denon to drive my speakers and soon found out at its listed 110wpc it struggled to drive my speakers. I started looking into amps and ended up with an Emotiva XPA-5. I can't compare it to others as it is my first but it sure made my speakers sound great.

I live on a small island in Micronesia so I have to do everything sight unseen and have been disappointed my my share of products but I've been very happy with Emotiva in both the products and service. I also now own the ERC-1 CD player and was impressed at the SQ difference between that and my BD and DVD players.

My speakers are 4 JBL PT800's and a PC600 center driven by a Denon 2808 and a Emotiva XPA-5. I have a new Pre-Pro in the mail and should get it within 2 weeks to replace my Denon. It is a Emotiva UMC-1.

valkilm: I say that to find such sound you'd pay for 10 times or even more.

That's a bit of an oxy-moron...

Since I have not heard emotiva equipment, I cannot comment on the sound quality. I will say that in general (there are always exceptions) you get what you pay for with audio equipment. Meaning there is usually a reliable correlation between price and quality.

I'd also say that while I have not heard emotiva, I have seen their stuff and I'm not crazy about inexpensive gear that is produced to look flashy and expensive. I find that a bit tacky. Like putting wood trim in a hyundai. I prefer budget electronics that are trying to offer quality for low cost look like the money is spent on the sound, not the looks. Just my preference.

Hi Jaxwire,

I actually agree with you since you get what you paid for. As you know (I contacted you before) I was thinking of buying the power amp NAD C275BEE exactly like yours. But listening to the Emotiva made me realise that I really love this sound and for the time being I see not need to buy the NAD power amp, first because it costs actually more than 10 times the price I paid for the Emotiva, and second I doubt it sounds twice better than the Emo, maybe it doesn't sound any better, just different.

When I ordered the Emotiva power amp, I was thinking that for a real low price I would get a cheap sound and I always thought that you always get what you paid for, but I came to the conclusion that this is not the case with Emotiva, in this particular case you get a low price gear, but a high quality one! At first I was adpating to the different sound of the Emotiva compared to the NAD, but then it won on me and gradually I totally surrendered to the Emotiva sound, just like everyone I know who has one.

My Emotiva amp actually is not flashy, it's very simple looks, that you can even turn off the 2 blue leds on the front. The most flashy Emotiva gear would be the cd player, that in my opinion it's looks is really nice, but that is my opinion and I respect yours too, otherwise the world wouldn't be like it is now...
Mike Ronesia:


I'm kinda new to this whole mid/high end audio stuff and only started into it a couple of years ago. I bought a mid level Denon to drive my speakers and soon found out at its listed 110wpc it struggled to drive my speakers. I started looking into amps and ended up with an Emotiva XPA-5. I can't compare it to others as it is my first but it sure made my speakers sound great.

I live on a small island in Micronesia so I have to do everything sight unseen and have been disappointed my my share of products but I've been very happy with Emotiva in both the products and service. I also now own the ERC-1 CD player and was impressed at the SQ difference between that and my BD and DVD players.

Hi Mike,

I'm glad you are happy with the Emotiva, I also live in an island and know what is to order without prior listenng. The Emotiva gear from what I heard sounds really good on all their equipment, I have the 2 channel UPA-2 which is the only model I can comment, but it sounds very open with a huge huge soundstage and it's very musical too, and it has tons of power, the more you cranck the volume the more it gives...how does your sounds on 2 channel audio?
Here's a link to very extensive review on their XPA-2.

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It was after reading a few of these reviews that I decided to give them a try. They will allow you to return it within 30 days so it gives you a couple of weeks to try it out. I think if you plan on spending that kind of money it's worth the risk. They get special prices from FedEx so it's not that bad even for a very heavy amp.

My goal is to get a XPA-2 for my front L/R when I go to 7.1 unless I can find a better value by then. I'm keeping my eyes open for other company's that follow this business model. This is all good for us consumers.

Not sure if you guys have heard of the Oppo BD83 blu ray player. It is a very nice unit for $500us. Lexicon has a unit called the BD-30 for $3500 and when they cracked it open they found the Oppo inside it. Is the name, faceplate and service worth 7x's the money? Maybe to some but not to me.

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I have no problem buying from company's that sell direct and save me the middle man mark up and advertising costs. But I'll let them prove themselves first for a few years like Emotiva has.

This is very good results, endeed excelent. Do they have this for the UPA-2?

It would be very nice for WFH test the Emotiva UPA-2 (probably their most audiophile amp?) and also the XPA-2. If this is to be done I just hope that the reviews are not affected by the fact that they are direct sales with all that implied to the middle man etc etc

In fact i'm sure that the WHF won't take anything in credit except the product quality itself.

Also I'm pretty sure that whom ever contacts Emotiva gets always an answer, and a quick one!

As for the DVD player, don't use this as a source to play audio cd's, get a dedicated cd player in the likes of Emotiva, NAD, CA etc
amarocknrollstar:Curiously Andrew..... have this company accepted your invitation to test their product(s) yet?

Nope, not a peep.
valkilm:If this is to be done I just hope that the reviews are not affected by the fact that they are direct sales with all that implied to the middle man etc etc

Our reviews are never thus affected.
Andrew Everard:

amarocknrollstar:Curiously Andrew..... have this company accepted your invitation to test their product(s) yet?

Nope, not a peep.

Strange, since i ordered the Emotiva UMC-1 they have been correct and informative, they also offer forum support and are quickly with software updates regarding some components like the UMC-1. The service of some other brands are a far cry from that.

Maybe they are only that informative towards clients, or maybe they aren't familiar with What Hifi and only trust their American review sites and mags?

Exactly when was that request made to Emotiva? and was it by e-mail?

There must be something wrong because as said here they were always very very quick answering my several e-mails I sent to them and I sent e-mails to their general e-mail addresses and also directly to sales. I received lots of e-emails Emotiva from many different persons at Emotiva. I wish that many other companies could be like that. Even their president Mr Laufman participates himself at the foruns!, which must be unique as I never seen any other president of an audio company doing this...so I believe that if there were no answer from them it's because most probably for some strange reason they haven't received the request made to them. There is no other explanation.
Mike Ronesia:

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I would think the XPA-1 mono block at 500watts and the new UPA-1 mono block at 200watts would be their best audiophile amps and I might have gone with the UPA-1's if they had been out when I bought my XPA-5. That would have been $1700us though for 5x200 and that's a little out of my ball park. Still think it's a good deal though and would have looked and sounded great.

Exactly when was that request made to Emotiva? and was it by e-mail?

About a couple of weeks ago, when there was first all the fuss about this brand. But I'm not going to bother chasing the company if they haven't bothered to respond.
Something to bear in mind is that on the Emotiva forums, they have up a notice to international customers:

Essentially saying to be patient as they are backed up with international quotes and orders...

So a WHF review maybe the last thing they need at the moment... Worst case scenario WHF gives them a mediocre review (2 Stars - good build but brutish, unsubtle American sound) that might easily put a halt to their newfound growth in international sales... Best Case scenario WHF gives them a rave review (5 Stars - Excellent Build, Power and refinement in equal measure) that just floods them with even more international orders (and they're currently backed up as it is)...

Something to bear in mind is that on the Emotiva forums, they have up a notice to international customers:

Essentially saying to be patient as they are backed up with international quotes and orders...

So a WHF review maybe the last thing they need at the moment... Worst case scenario WHF gives them a mediocre review (2 Stars - good build but brutish, unsubtle American sound) that might easily put a halt to their newfound growth in international sales... Best Case scenario WHF gives them a rave review (5 Stars - Excellent Build, Power and refinement in equal measure) that just floods them with even more international orders (and they're currently backed up as it is)...

I don't want to speculate but maybe it's down to that every region has their taste in sound, design, build and opinion on what makes a good component. As an example, some forward sounding speakers/components get 5 star reviews in Germany while in England they love a more subtle, somewhat laid back sound in general. My American Hyperion speakers get amazing good reviews in the US while largely ignored in Europe. Some UK retailers even do some UK voiced modifications on these Hyperions before they sell them to customers. American speakers are build to work well in large living rooms with thin cardboardbox like walls, while in Europe we have in general smaller rooms and massive walls. I was amazed what a thin sound and lack of bass was coming from a B&W 802 nautilus speaker in a large living room. When one day this guy placed his B&W speakers along the long side of the wall the speakers had a smaller area to fill and sounded much better. He wouldn't have that much of a problem with big American voiced speakers.
Andrew Everard said:

Exactly when was that request made to Emotiva? and was it by e-mail?

About a couple of weeks ago, when there was first all the fuss about this brand. But I'm not going to bother chasing the company if they haven't bothered to respond.

Andrew Everard havent sent Emo eny mail
Caro valkilm,

Li o seu comentário à pouco e como estou interessado em adquirir produtos emotiva, gostaria de entrar em contacto consigo para me aconselhar, principalmente no que toca às condições com que fez a importação.

Eu já encomendei umas colunas da mesma marca, mas os portes de envio e as taxas da alfandega custaram 1,5 mais do que as colunas.

Quando fez a sua encomenda também lhe aconteceu o mesmo?

Os melhores cumprimentos,


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