Dynavector Needles Are they any good


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just got my LP12 serviced along with a new Dynavector needle put on it.
Question, is that the best needle in the £250.00 price band as it's what the dealer said.
It's fantastic to see so many old recording's coming out on 180g Vinyl. I have been buying up quite a few over the past few months.
That's made me play the LP12 for weeks without touching my cd player.
Recently I played a cd to see what the difference on my system sounded like to the Vinyl, given I had not heard cd for a couple of months. To my complete surprise it was closer than I imagined possible. In fact some cd's sound better.
However a cd cover can't beat an album cover , especially when your 50 and you want to read the sleeve notes. Then holding that big black slab of round plastic. Watching it go round and round.Oh yes nostalgia. Here is a good one. I was playing the LP'S quite loud when my 14 year old daughter came in and asked me to pause the LP as there was a phone call for me. I liked that one.
Dynavector carts are pretty impressive typically, and I think their 10x5 is no slouch. How well it partners an LP12 I have no idea, though this would generally be - if you go with the accepted thought - the lowest end of the scale for a table like the Linn.

I hear very good things about some of the Ortofon range though; the 2M Black at £350 and if you can poke your budget up a bit more, the new Cadenza range seems to be worth shortlisting - good reviews, etc.
Thanks for that the record spot. I got the impression my dealer did not carry much choice of needles, what he did say was he fitted loads to LP 12's. Certainly I am happy enough with the sound. Just wanted to know some alternatives.
Have you any idea how many albums I should get to play before a replacement is n
It should be good for a couple of thousand hrs . But a lot depends on tracking force ,condition of the records etc. Trust your lugholes,you will know when its time to change.
I.D.C.:Thanks for that the record spot. I got the impression my dealer did not carry much choice of needles, what he did say was he fitted loads to LP 12's. Certainly I am happy enough with the sound. Just wanted to know some alternatives.
Have you any idea how many albums I should get to play before a replacement is n

Well, you should be good for a while yet, although that vague answer depends on how often you use your LP12. Were my P3 in the same use as my CDP, it'd be getting a new cartridge every year almost. Expect to get two to five years, typically but it's all down to the hours you clock up against the manufacturer's recommended lifespan for the stylus.

Should point out at this juncture I'd recommend Ian Harrison in Derbyshire. He specialises in all things vinyl-y and is a good guy to boot. He'll do a price match as well (got my AT440MLa a couple of years from him at roughly a tenner off his price) plus he's got a good range of cartridges and styli available. 7 days, 0900-2100. Check the back pages of some of the hifi mags, or Google him. He's not got a website - or didn't last time I looked - but the details appear on various searches.
I bought a Dynavector 10x5 3 years ago and first used it on an LP12/Akito. Sounded great. Now using it in a new Rega P3-24 with the TTPSU. Sounds superb. I expect it to last a good few years.


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