Unfortunately Leema doesn't import into the USA so I've never heard a Leema product. However, from everything I've read on this forum, it sounds like Leema amps are lean and transparent. That is exactly what my Bryston gear serves up and it's a match made in heaven for Dyn speakers. Dyns are rich and full sounding. Dyns take the hard edge off gear that might otherwise be a bit too forward sounding. Dyns are smooth as silk and never sound harsh or fatiquing. I would expect a great match with Leema.
Regarding wall proximity, I don't think any Dyn speakers like being close to the walls. They are all rear ported with huge ports. But you might be ok with 12" with the smaller Dyns. I would think focus 110s or Excite X12's would be fine with 12" of clearance. Other's may disagree. Give it a try. I'd love to hear how you make out....
agree with what jax says, apart from positioning of focus range - they need 55cm minimum unless you like thudding, boomy bass.
shame if you don't have the room, 'cos they're great speakers and would probably go very well with the pulse.