Dynaudios & Leema? Are you kidding?

Unfortunately Leema doesn't import into the USA so I've never heard a Leema product. However, from everything I've read on this forum, it sounds like Leema amps are lean and transparent. That is exactly what my Bryston gear serves up and it's a match made in heaven for Dyn speakers. Dyns are rich and full sounding. Dyns take the hard edge off gear that might otherwise be a bit too forward sounding. Dyns are smooth as silk and never sound harsh or fatiquing. I would expect a great match with Leema.

Regarding wall proximity, I don't think any Dyn speakers like being close to the walls. They are all rear ported with huge ports. But you might be ok with 12" with the smaller Dyns. I would think focus 110s or Excite X12's would be fine with 12" of clearance. Other's may disagree. Give it a try. I'd love to hear how you make out....
Cheers, Jax. I've always been a big fan of Dyns, and the only reason why I haven't taken the plunge and purchased a pair is because of room size (and the little matter that my Arcs, I didn't think sounded that good with Dyns).

Certainly won't rule them out, and I'll give them a whirl nearer the time.
Unfortunately Leema doesn't import into the USA so I've never heard a Leema product. However, from everything I've read on this forum, it sounds like Leema amps are lean and transparent. That is exactly what my Bryston gear serves up and it's a match made in heaven for Dyn speakers. Dyns are rich and full sounding. Dyns take the hard edge off gear that might otherwise be a bit too forward sounding. Dyns are smooth as silk and never sound harsh or fatiquing. I would expect a great match with Leema.

Regarding wall proximity, I don't think any Dyn speakers like being close to the walls. They are all rear ported with huge ports. But you might be ok with 12" with the smaller Dyns. I would think focus 110s or Excite X12's would be fine with 12" of clearance. Other's may disagree. Give it a try. I'd love to hear how you make out....

agree with what jax says, apart from positioning of focus range - they need 55cm minimum unless you like thudding, boomy bass.

shame if you don't have the room, 'cos they're great speakers and would probably go very well with the pulse.
I just thought I will add few lines from my experience too.

I am a big B&W fan and heard alot of B&W range. After all the auditioning, I completely agree with Dynaudio's sound and now I am unable to live with my CM9s. The width and detaisDynaudios' offer is unbeatable. It is time for me to shop again and this time for some Dynaudio (hopefully Focus 140)
Some say that MAs don't sound great close to a wall, yet my RS6s are placed 8-10" from wall and the bass is fantastically fast.


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