Dynaudio DM 2/7 or B&W 685 s2


New member
Apr 12, 2014
Hi all, currently using B&W 685 S2 and generally very happy with them. However they do lack a bit of excitement overall which I mainly attribute to them not having enough fast bass slam and the treble is slightly recessed on them. Dynaudio DM 2/7 are described as being fast and attacking with great upper detail. Anyone heard the 2 or can anyone decsibe the Dynaudio sound please? Running off an Arcam A19. Low to moderate volumes also preferred. Perhaps the Dynaudio sensitivity a bit low?

Bump. The dyns are on offer at Richer at the moment at a smidge under £500. I love my Kef Q-300s but would ideally like something with slightly more refinement (and less 'thin-ness') in the top frequencies. Are there any proud Dyn 2/7 owners out there who could convince me to give them a trial?
Dump the arcam and get yourself a Rotel ra-1520 if you can.

An assertive listen - edge definition in spades. The bass lacks sophistication - many find it a fatiguing listen but it's the total opposite of what you currently have.

Very good with up tempo fast music.

Arcam A19 not the most exciting amp. and B&W can have slow bass. Not heard the Dyn 2/7, only the x12s, for me the high notes were a bit prominate on drum cymbals, not good with jazz for me. You could try Kef R100s? Its a question of trying different speakers or try different amp. Arcam and B&W not really recommended.
I don't know if the Rotel Ra1520 is the solution. I have heared the 685s2 on different amps, the Rotel and Arcam were the first to drop out.

IMO Rega is perhaps a beter option. TEAC 501 serie is also a great option. More detail, refinement and spot on. Maybe Cyrus can do the job for you also.

Go audition and hear for yourself! Thats the only solution, I think.
unhalfbricking said:
Bump. The dyns are on offer at Richer at the moment at a smidge under £500. I love my Kef Q-300s but would ideally like something with slightly more refinement (and less 'thin-ness') in the top frequencies. Are there any proud Dyn 2/7 owners out there who could convince me to give them a trial?

I've not heard the kefs so I cannot compare,but the dyns are very nice sounding speakers. One ofthe main things I noticed when I upgraded from my ms902 was the speed them. The manage to unclutter music because they are so fast. And individual instruments and noises sound completely realistic and as they should (Such as lovely squelchy noises in house music). Both male and female voices sound very realistic. The treble is detailed,but never harsh. The bass is full and very present 🙂 And I would describe them as whf did,as great alrounders. If I was to ever upgrade my system,I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be my speakers being replaced. They sound very sweet, and I would def recommend a listen. They sound great even with lower wattage amps. I demoed the ca 351a and it sounded fantastic. (Although made the a19 sound awful...ie:zero bass weight).

Reijer give us some detail......

I've never heard a rega amp - but I'm a sucker for paper specs and they look low powered to me.

Anyhoo how did the amps compare
Thompsonuxb said:
Reijer give us some detail......

I've never heard a rega amp - but I'm a sucker for paper specs and they look low powered to me.

Anyhoo how did the amps compare

At the first shop my wife and I auditioned the Rotel Ra-12, NAD C326BEE and a Peachtree 65SE against a Audio Analogue Cresendo on a pair of 685s2. Source was in all times an Cresendo CDplayer. We have Agnes Obel, Alison Krauss, Michael Jackson Xscape and some music from Dutch artists. First the Rotel fall off, it lacks detail, depth, clarity and dynamics. Then the NAD and finally the Peachtree. To our ears the Audio Analogue was the best match because it has the clarity, depth, detail and dynamisc we were searching for.

At the second store we auditioned the 685s2 with Arcam FMJ A19, Rega Brio and the TEAC AI 501DA, with an Rega Apollo R as a soure and with the same music.

At first the Arcam fall off. It missed sound, clarity, detail; it even looks the set were out of fase. Then the Rega was plugged in. A nice sound was comming towards us. Lots of detail, power and dynamics but we thought that this wasn't it.....

The owner of the shop than came to us with a stupid little box that was named TAEC AI 501DA. We were blown away. This was the sound we were looking for. My wife was convinced, TEAC it was. I asked the owner to switch back to the Rega and than back again to the TEAC. When playing London Grammers Hey Now on both sets, I was aslo convinced: TEAC was the choise for us.

The owner of the shop was also surprised, with the disappointing performance of the Arcam and the result with the TEAC, a new brand for him.

But....... take into consideration that my Dutch ears probably have a slightly different tuning or taste than British or German ears.

So the TEAC AI-501 is powerful enough to drive the 685 speakers properly ? Even at high volumes ?

Thanks 🙂

Yes, certainley in a smaller livingroom. When my wife and I auditioned the TEAC it was in a listeningroom twice the size of our livingroom with almost no damping factors like carpet, sofa or curtains and it blew us away with power, detail, depth, etc. It was by far the best amp we heard on our speakers.

But, but, but, but; it was to our ears the best, not yours. You have to hear it for yourself. Apparently, in Holland we have 'different hearing' then other contries.

And if you think the TEAC AI-501 isn't powerfull enough, they have also a pure analog amplifier with more power: http://audio.teac.com/product/ax-501/specifications/

Same price, no digital inputs but analog balanced inputs for the D/A converter: http://audio.teac.com/product/ud-501/

Check the site, they have great stuff for not that much money..... For the reference-serie, each part costs 800 euro.
Thanks for your answer.............and I'm from Holland too 🙂

I asked you the question about the Teac because I'm interested in the upcoming PS Audio Sprout and it uses the same digital amplification as the Teac AI-510DA. So it should sound almost the same.......I was just worried if it has enough power for a normal livingroom. (my living room is 25m2).

Again, thanks for your answer and enjoy the Teac AI-501DA and B&W speakers 🙂
You're welcome.

If you go audition an amp, try to hear the TEAC. It sounds great and you'll have more inputs than the sprout.

Good look with your search.
Hi @ReijerSorry, i'm very bad English , i'm from VietNamese I'm have Bw 685s2 with Nad D3020 , hear with laptop connect by usb to Nad D3020, but sound hear no good, not clear & detail. sound no good. I do intended buy Nad c356bee replace Nad D3020.Read @Reijer review TEAC AI 501DA so good, me would try it. But power ampli TEAC AI 501DA Output Power 60W + 60W (4 ohms, 20Hz to 20kHz) 30W + 30W (8 ohms, 20Hz to 20kHz)Same output power My's Nad D3020 . is it weak ?? and DAC TEAC AI 501DA have good play lossless ??? compare DAC TEAC AI 501DA and DAC Nad D3020 with bw 685s2
Hi Nguyen.

Yes, the TEAC is powerfull enough to drive the 685s2. Hooked up my laptop via USB and it sounds great.

It's probably not only the pure power but also the inner signalpath in the amp that makes the difference.

Good luck with your search!
Hi. Today I go showroom B&W to listen The 685s2 speaker with ampli TEAC AI 501. Yes. sound that overrun, filled the rom 25m2. I feel TEAC AI 501 clear & detail but not true excellence and impression, for my own After i change TEAC AI 501 by TEAC AX 501 power output 100w-4ohms and 65w-8ohms higher. i feel sound same TEAC AI 501 not different After i replace TEAC AX 501 by Marant pm7004 then sound warmer TEAC, not clear like TEAC, My ears heard worse Sorry, English I not very good. can not be description many
back on topic.

Have owned the DM2/7s for a year and they are singing with my 20 year old Meridian pre/power. Tried a Creek evo50a but bass was thin and vocals lacked timber. They need juice, space and 100 hours running in. They replaced B&W 602S3s and IMHO are in a different league with the right amp. RS sell the A19 so i'm sure they could demo.


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