DVD v Blu ray v PS3 etc


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2007
This seems to be quite a complicated area and I would like some advice.
I'm predominantly a hifi user, but I enjoy watching/listen to films through my system. I've no interest in going to 5.1, as that is not my thing. My AV system is pretty modest and consists of a Denon 1730 dvd player and a 2 year old 32" Samsung HD tv. I connect the two with a QED hdmi lead.
I'm tempted by blu ray, but it seems quite expensive and I'm not sure if I'll really get any benefit in my set up. I also understand that you can play blu ray through a PS3.
My question is:

Do I stick with my DVD player or maybe consider an upgrade?
Buy a blu ray, but if so what type? (Remembering that budget is an issue)
Buy a PS3 and use it for gaming and playback? (This is an option as my partner wants a consol for christmas, but is unsure which one. Does a wii play blu ray?)

A lot of questions here, but if one of you learned people could fill in some of the gaps, that would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance.
The PS3 takes some beating for Blue ray. On the system you have it will perform as good as anything.
With the latest updates it is much improved on DVD's as well.

Seeing that you are in the market for a gaming consul for Xmas it looks like a no brainer.

Looks like it's a no-brainer as you're looking to buy a console anyway (The Wii doesn't do Blu-Ray).
A dedciated Blu Ray player will give you a slightly better picture but the PS3 has a reputation for being excellent nevertheless. Even those looking purely for a cinema source sometimes have a hard choice at that price level.

Its horses for courses and with your partner wanting a console for Christmas, of which the PS3 is arguably the best, it really is a no brainer. Get the PS3 and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

I doubt you'll be disappointed with the BR playback on the PS3 with your set up.
Sounds like a PS3 is the way to go. Thats what I did, and I'm extremely happy with the picture and sound quality (and of course the games).

To answer you question about the Wii. No it cannot play Blu-ray discs.
A Wii doesn't play DVD's either. However, there's not much to beat Wii Sports for family gaming or Resident Evil IV for pure point and shoot mayhem!
soulstyle:Will the PS3 play dvd?

Yes. Will play DVD's well "out of the box", but when updated with new firmware, when connected to the internet, they're supposed to look even better!
I'm about to jump on the Bluray bandwagon today...the wife will be going out this afternoon to buy a machine while I'm at work.

I'm happy with either a PS3 or a BD-35 but does it make a difference the PS3 didn't chart in the WHF Awards this year? Has playback now been bettered by the BD-35? I've got a Panasonic 37PX80 arriving tomorrow.
A dedicated Blu-Ray player will be better than a PS3 for Blu-Ray playback. But then again, you can't play games on a Blu-Ray player.

Apparently, the gap in quality isn't as big as you'd think.
Blunny89:soulstyle:Will the PS3 play dvd? Yes. Will play DVD's well "out of the box", but when updated with new firmware, when connected to the internet, they're supposed to look even better!

Yup. I'm very impressed with the DVD upscaling. They look gorgeous! Such a difference compared to my crummy old xbox!
The gap in quality is ALMOST non existent in terms of picture quality but i do find the Bdp-550 sounds better and is more convienent to use eg i can use my backlit logitec harmony remote.
The PS3 is not really a games console! Its a all round media hub. There are only a handful of games worth buying on it such as LBP and MGS4 and..thats about it i think lol! Personally i have gone for the better option of a stand alone bluray player and a seperate games console.
Ginder:The PS3 is not really a games console!
And there it is again! Honestly - trying to deny it to me in other post when it's clear you're an Xbox fanboy!

Anyway, to be fair, I do actually prefer the Xbox as a games console (I just prefer the controller), but saying there are only a handful of games on the PS3 worth buying is rubbish. Virtually every game is available on both consoles with the exception of a couple like Gears of War etc. And Little Big Planet on the PS3 is awesome (I'm completely addicted to it at the moment!).
If I had to get rid of one, I'd get rid of the Xbox as films are too important to me and I could just buy most of the games I wanted on PS3.
professorhat:Ginder:The PS3 is not really a games console!
And there it is again! Honestly - trying to deny it to me in other post when it's clear you're an Xbox fanboy!

Anyway, to be fair, I do actually prefer the Xbox as a games console (I just prefer the controller), but saying there are only a handful of games on the PS3 worth buying is rubbish. Virtually every game is available on both consoles with the exception of a couple like Gears of War etc. And Little Big Planet on the PS3 is awesome (I'm completely addicted to it at the moment!).
If I had to get rid of one, I'd get rid of the Xbox as films are too important to me and I could just buy most of the games I wanted on PS3.

HAHA i had to try! I wasnt on about the xbox, the WII is immense!
Wii: Where else can a 7 year old outclass his Dad at Boxing, Baseball, Tennis and Bowling. I'm still winning at Golf though so my pride is not completely shredded.
EHonda:Games are getting there. Resistance 2. Nuff said.

PS3 = LBP, MGS4, Resistence and Gran Turismo.
Xbox = Gears of War, Halo etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
Wii = Mario Nuff said

Also like you said most games are available on both machines, however most of them are ported over to the PS3 and usually arent 100% clean conversions and suffer hitches. For example Rainbow 6 Vegas on the PS3 actually wanted you to press a specific button that was on the XBOX controller lol. Some cross overs suffer from framerate issues too. I know online gaming is free on the PS3 but Xbox Live is unbeatable at the moment especially when you can pick up 12 month subscription from ebay for about 25quid.

Come on Proffessor, Gears is not the only great exclusive look at Ninja Gaiden 2, Project Gotham Racing 4, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Viva Pinata 1 & 2, Crackdown and the up and coming Splinter Cell Conviction!

One thing i do agree with you is about the controller, the PS3 controller is horribly designed for FPS games, cramping the analogue sticks together was not a good idea. The only upside of the PS3 controller is the D-pad which is better for football and fighting games.

I was merely saying if gaming is important then a standalone games machine will be the better. Movies are obviously important to people who want to enjoy HiDef, but HiDef and gaming are like horse and carriage. The games industry is rapidly becoming the biggest entertainment industry on the planet, games are becoming interactive movies with stories and narratives that go far beyond what some movies do. You only have to look at Bioshock to realise this. Great actors are becoming involved in gaming like never before, for example Call Of Duty World at War uses voice overs from Keifer Sutherland and Gary Oldman.

In my opinion if you want to enjoy HiDef to its greatest potential then gaming has to be a very important factor. Movies are just half the job done.
Thanks eveyone for your comments (even if they did drift off topic towards the end!). They have been really useful to me. It looks like I will be purchasing a PS3 in the near future.
Thanks again.

I'm just bumping this thread again as I have another question relating to it.
It concerns the audio out from the PS3. I have read that there isn't one as such. I currently have a simple phono lead from my DVD player to my amp. With the PS3, will I need to connect this to my TV using a HDMI lead and then run the phono lead direct from my TV?
Any help on connecting a PS3 to my amp will be really useful.


You could connect via the TV or simply use the (cr@ppy) AV cable the PS3 shipped with, obviously ignoring the yellow composite video cable. Just select AV in the sound settings menu.


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