dvd player and dac combination, opinions please...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
hello, first of all im new to the forum and was wondering if i could pick your brains.

Over the past few years i have been building up some hifi equipment, its not the best. It consists of a cambridge audio A5 amplifier, its a bit of a strange speaker arrangment but due to room size its my only logical option and they are Mordaunt short alumni 2 speakers and a mordaunt short alumni 9 subwoofer. Arguably these are suited to the "AV land" but im am happy with the sound i get from it. source wise was mainly from an ipod using a cambridge audio dock. Speaker cable and interconnects are QED. More recently i have been listening to cd's through the system using my pioneer dv-350, wich is a few years old but sounds far better than the ipod. Now i have been reading into dacs and am pondering on the idea of adding one to the pioneer, the one i have in mind is the musical fidelity V-dac it averages around £150. i would use a coaxial cable to join it to the pioneer. My only prblem is im unsure if the pioneer will give out a dolby digital surround signal instead of just a two channel audio one wich is what im after, when using the digital output. I think i've rammbled on a fair bit but any one who could clear this up would be great!
hello, first of all im new to the forum and was wondering if i could pick your brains.

Over the past few years i have been building up some hifi equipment, its not the best. It consists of a cambridge audio A5 amplifier, its a bit of a strange speaker arrangment but due to room size its my only logical option and they are Mordaunt short alumni 2 speakers and a mordaunt short alumni 9 subwoofer. Arguably these are suited to the "AV land" but im am happy with the sound i get from it. source wise was mainly from an ipod using a cambridge audio dock. Speaker cable and interconnects are QED. More recently i have been listening to cd's through the system using my pioneer dv-350, wich is a few years old but sounds far better than the ipod. Now i have been reading into dacs and am pondering on the idea of adding one to the pioneer, the one i have in mind is the musical fidelity V-dac it averages around £150. i would use a coaxial cable to join it to the pioneer. My only prblem is im unsure if the pioneer will give out a dolby digital surround signal instead of just a two channel audio one wich is what im after, when using the digital output. I think i've rammbled on a fair bit but any one who could clear this up would be great!

Your Pioneer won't be able to turn a cd sound into Dolby Digital. It will work fine. However, how much better it will sound through your budget amp, I'm not so sure. Personally, I wouldn't spend £150 extra on your source unless you are going to upgrade your amp and speakers.
Thanks for clearing that up gerrardasnails, as you can see my limited knowledge is showing through. I will be looking to upgrade in the futre certainly the amp but due to our room size and configuration i would really struggle to get a pair of stand mounts on stands or floorstanders for that matter in (our room measure 10ft wide by 14 ft, they don't give you much room in new houses!) . Do you think the dac would be a waste of time / money then?
Thanks for clearing that up gerrardasnails, as you can see my limited knowledge is showing through. I will be looking to upgrade in the futre certainly the amp but due to our room size and configuration i would really struggle to get a pair of stand mounts on stands or floorstanders for that matter in (our room measure 10ft wide by 14 ft, they don't give you much room in new houses!) . Do you think the dac would be a waste of time / money then?

Personally, yes I do. But at least you won't be wasting your money.


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