Do you leave them on or take them off?


New member
Oct 2, 2007
Speaker Covers! Do you listen with the covers off your speakers or on? it might just be a psychological thing with me but I think there may be a small difference to the sound with the covers off. What does anyone else think? My apologies if this has been discussed before
I've read that removing the grilles 'sweeten' up treble, so take them off when listening, then put them back on afterwards... I've been the recent victim of forward hands on my tweeters - resulting in a horrible dent. Anyways, you might as well listen to your speakers the way they sound best to you. It's all about the music.
Off is better as far as I am concerned.... sound and looks...... But the Mrs won't allow it!
On, I'd love to leave them off but I havea toddler who finds them rather interesting.
Off, children all grown up !!!! Plus it means I dont need to worry about having the wood fade in the sunshine where the grills were .............the wood should all fade at the same rate.
I would say that there is a difference - logic would tell you that having something infront of the output will change the sound waves, I like having them off, however at the moment I am just about to buy a decent hifi and being at uni, things get knocked over/into and people get over enthusiastic looking with their hands...therefore the grilles may get left on.
[quote user="jaz9090"]I am just about to buy a decent hifi and being at uni[/quote]

Leave 'em on for goodness sakes when you are at uni... I lost a pair of missions at uni that way... "oooh, look do they go in if you...oh..sorry about that...."
I generally take them off and in the case of my MS`s it makes a huge difference in the depth and openness of the sound.
When the lights are off I take them off, but leave them on otherwise, lol.


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