Just recently bought a Panasonic LED TV from Dixons online. Immediately noticed backlight bleed in the bottom left corner (probably similar to WHF's review TV). Dixons now have a system whereby the customer contacts them online rather than ringing up so, I sent them a message on 30th March (within the first 7 days of purchase) advising that I wished to return the TV.
Got an email back on the 31st saying "we've received your message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can."
No further contact from them so I rang them up today. Told that I couldn't just return the TV even though I had contacted them within 7 days of purchase. I quoted the Distance Selling Regulations to them but was told that their terms and conditions, which I had agreed to online, stipulated that, if the goods had been used, I could not return the TV within 7 days under the DSR. What they offered instead was to send someone out to look at the fault.
Now I've had a quick look at the DSR's and can't see anything which allows Dixons to put something in their contracts as above. Infact there is a section of the Regs that specifically says your not allowed to "contract out."
The Supervisor that I spoke to at Dixons was adamant that their legal people have confirmed they are right and that they've been challenged on this before.
I will be contacting Trading Standards tomorrow to get their advice but find Dixons "customer service" disgraceful.
Got an email back on the 31st saying "we've received your message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can."
No further contact from them so I rang them up today. Told that I couldn't just return the TV even though I had contacted them within 7 days of purchase. I quoted the Distance Selling Regulations to them but was told that their terms and conditions, which I had agreed to online, stipulated that, if the goods had been used, I could not return the TV within 7 days under the DSR. What they offered instead was to send someone out to look at the fault.
Now I've had a quick look at the DSR's and can't see anything which allows Dixons to put something in their contracts as above. Infact there is a section of the Regs that specifically says your not allowed to "contract out."
The Supervisor that I spoke to at Dixons was adamant that their legal people have confirmed they are right and that they've been challenged on this before.
I will be contacting Trading Standards tomorrow to get their advice but find Dixons "customer service" disgraceful.