Disappointing Cambridge Audio System


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Aug 10, 2019
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Morning All,

Took my first (and long awaited) steps in to hi fi ownership yesterday. After many years of thinking about it, I decided to bite the bullet and went to Richer Sounds and bought an amp (Cambridge Audio Azur 340a), CD player (Cambridge Audio Topaz CD5) and floorstander speakers (Cambridge Audio S70).

I could hardly contain my excitement as I opened the boxes (savouring the ‘new electrical goods’ smell). Speakers in place and cables laid I loaded a CD in to the player (Jason Mraz – We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things)

Sure enough the sound eclipsed what I was used to from my old midi system. Possibly a little on the bright side, but still crystal clear with well defined middle and bass. However, vocals are not so great. Anything with an ‘S’ in it sounds noticeably distorted (“I’m YourS” etc.).

Leaping to the defence of the system I have tried many different albums, all confirm initial opinions, most frequencies sound good, however, treble is a bit bright and vocals are not reproduced clearly (particularly Ss). I have tried turning the treble down, but it makes little difference and reduces the middle frequencies too much.

Obviously I’m pretty disappointed. Whilst it is a cheap system in hi fi terms (£500) it is a large amount of money to me and I expected it to be better.

So my questions are:

- Am I expecting too much at this price point?

- Is there an obvious weak point in the system (appreciate the CD player is particularly low end)

- Is this a common issue?

Before I ring Richer up on Tuesday and thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


ps. apologies for the poor formatting....


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Firstly, don't forget that this is brand new kit and needs running in, particularly the speakers.

However, swap the Cambridge speakers for a pair of Mordaunt-Short MS902i, and the Topaz CD player for a 340C and you'll see a dramatic improvement all round. I'm now running a similar set-up, but with the 340a SE amplifier, and it sounds superb all-round.

The Topaz stuff is decent for the money but it is very much the basic option, and by re-balancing your budget and matching the CD player to the amp you'll achieve better results.


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Feb 7, 2009
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A. I agree, the 540 is a no-brainer over the topaz. The sales guy should have suggested this. Take it back.

B. The CD player is probably not the culprit. Much more likely it's the speakers. You need to switch to a stand mount speaker. Get a pair of Tannoy Mercury F2s or some Q Acoustics. Buy the cheapest stands in the store or just prop them on boxes for now. You will be much happier.


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Jun 8, 2007
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I think you should change the amp and buy a Marantz PM6003 or a Rotel RA-04. I have never liked Cambridge Audio amps, the sound is too clinical.


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Sep 6, 2007
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I'm in agreement with MP and Jax on this

Change the CDP to the 540 and you're laughing. As for speakers; not sure what your budget was but there's a lot more out there better then the C/A speakers youve got.

Try the Tannoy F1's or 2's as well as some of the Q Acoutsic range as well. If you need to go for floorstanders then I'd highly recommend the Acoustic Energy Neo 3's where are available for around the £250 mark (just have a search for them via Google).

If you do require standmount speakers then I'd take a look at the Q Acoutisc 2010's or the 2020's on their dedicated stands


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Apr 29, 2008
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I have owned some Cambridge Audio speakers and an amplifier in my time - neither of which lasted long for me as i simply found it way to bright and sharp - and the vocal 's' issue was evident to me as well

it would be worth trying the matched pairing as suggested but if CA isnt for you then ask to demo the NAD as you may well prefer its presentation which is very different to CA


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Feb 17, 2008
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Hi if its any help I have following, also i am one of the very few on this forum who is chuffed to bits with my very inexpensive system ,could be synergy? ;-
CA 540 A ver 2
CA 540C VER 2
W/d Diamond 9.1
Eltax cheapy Sub
Project Genie 2
Chord Crimson
QED sig 75
Also strangly ,double bi-wire silver aniv & 9;99p bi-wire
Sounds freat


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Feb 28, 2010
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Hi Ritch,

Just thought i would add that i had a listen too the NAD 326BEE amp on an older model NAD cd player and a set of Wharfedale bookshelf speakers and found the sound to be very neutral and detailed defiently not bright. The dynamics lacked but i think that could have been the cd player or speakers as the 326bee has had such good reviews.

i'm very much a beginner in the world of Hi-Fi, but i think you may like the sound of the NAD as you mentioned the Cambridge was too bright.


if you are using silver speaker cable and interconnect, ask Richer Sounds if you can try the setup with copper and try moving your speakers closer to or further away from the back and side walls

I found that when I tested my old system with silver based speaker cables, I had a similar problem .... s's sounded like z's .... copper cable had a better effect


Thanks for all the replies gents, didn't expect so much so quickly!

Both the interconnects and the speaker cables are copper so hopefully not adding to the problem. After seeing how little extra the 340c is (and that the 540c is the same price) I will definitely be changing the cd player.

However having done a bit more reading and with all your replies, it would seem the speakers are the most likely cause of the sibilance. I ideally want to stick with floorstanders and have seen the Q Acoustics 1030i on offer (http://www.richersounds.com/product/floorstanders/q-acoustics/1030i/qaco-1030i-blk) Does anyone have any experience of these? Obviously don't want to get another painfully bright speaker. Last resort is going for bookshelves and stands....


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I have a pair of 1030i tucked away here, but I prefer the 902i. The Qs are excellent in many ways with a large-scale sound and sense of involvement but they are a bit rough around the edges.

I don't understand this thing about Cambridge electronics being bright at all. My current set-up is very neutral with just a hint of warmth, but not 'bright' at all. The higher range 740A can be a bit clinical in the wrong set-up but it isn't an accusation I'd throw at the 340, 540 or 640 amps.

For the record I think the 340a SE is superior to the Marantz PM6003 and the NAD C326BEE, and I can't see the standard 340A being much different.


Hi Matthew, hope you get on well going back to the CA 340's.

To the OP, you could try some Dali speakers, maybe the Lektor 1's or 2.


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Aug 24, 2008
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I know from persnal experience, i can get better sound from some 200 pounds speakers, than some 1000 pound one.a few cheap gems are Celestion F20,pioneer 3 way cs-3070, and yamaha ns-333 or nx800 speakers.


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Aug 24, 2008
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1978 I bet you never heard those speakers Ive mentioned.but ive been able to compare them to much higher priced speakers, tannoy dt6-t, rs1, rs6,rx6,rx2,rx1,iq10, iq30, and I think they beat some of these models.


Thanks for all the help guys. Went to Richer in Reading today and the sales chap couldn't have been anymore helpful. Spent a good amount of time running through options. I've kept the 340a, now have the matching 340c and have traded the s70 floorstanders for the MS902i.

Sounds great now, thanks for all your help.



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Mar 29, 2009
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Great to hear about the outcome.

I helped out my parents with a small room system with the Cambridge 340a, 340c into my (old but great sounding...) B&W DM303 speakers.

The sound is lovely! I was very, very impressed with the quality particularly for the price. It is just enjoyable to listen to.




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Jan 7, 2015
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Hello. I'm from Philippines. First, regarding in your cambridge audio system you must try it first before purchasing for you to listen to it carefully. Second, must read for reviews in the internet. Lastly, ask the sales personnel if the system can be tested before purchase. Hehe.. :)


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Feb 22, 2010
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adrianmartinez said:
Hello. I'm from Philippines. First, regarding in your cambridge audio system you must try it first before purchasing for you to listen to it carefully. Second, must read for reviews in the internet. Lastly, ask the sales personnel if the system can be tested before purchase. Hehe.. :)

5 years too late in sharing your common sense.


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